4914 examples of china in sentences

The ready herald by the King's command, Convened the Chiefs and Warriors of the land; And soon the banquet social glee restored, And China wine-cups glittered on the board; And cheerful song, and music's magic power, And sparkling wine, beguiled the festive hour.

Trembling for Rustem's life the captive groaned; Basely his country's glorious boast disowned, And said the Chief from distant China came Sohráb abrupt demands the hero's name; The name unknown, grief wrings his aching heart, And yearning anguish speeds her venom'd dart; To him his mother gave the tokens true, He sees them all, and all but mock his view.

Irán and Túrán, according to the Oriental historians, comprehended all that is comprised in upper Asia, with the exception of India and China.

He speaks of his conquests in Egypt, China, Hámáverán, Rúm, Súk-sar, and Mázinderán.

In order to avoid the Froments they were pretending to take great interest in a booth, where a number of crudely-colored china ornaments were displayed as prizes for the winners at a "lucky-wheel.

And thus, when he had well examined the china ornaments, it occurred to him to be insolent, with which object he turned round and stared at the Froments, who, as the train they were expecting would not arrive for another quarter of an hour, were gayly promenading through the fair.

" Antonin, however, having peeped behind the booth containing the china ornaments, lurched back again, still with his hands in his pockets, and said with his vicious sneer: "Just look there, you'll see something.

The only secular employment I remember to have seen her engaged in, was, the splitting of French beans, and dropping them into a China basin of fair water.

This wood boiled down to a kind of tea, and tempered with an infusion of milk and sugar, hath to some tastes a delicacy beyond the China luxury.

China pigs have been esteemed a luxury all over the East from the remotest periods that we read of.

Still less can I foreshadow the fate of his eldest son, who has just been rusticated from Christ Church for riding one of Simmon's hacks through a china-shop window; especially as the youth is reported to be given to piquette and strong liquors, and, like many noblemen's eldest sons, is considered 'not to have the talent of his father.'

After a year or two of wandering through benighted countries where even kings and rulers could not write their names, and where reading seemed to be a lost art, except in the monasteries, we made up our minds, if possible, we would go from darkness into light, and so we set out on a journey to China.

"It must seem odd to you, unless you are very familiar with the history of the period, that we should go from Europe to China in search of enlightenment and civilization; but that is what we did, and we found what we looked for.

As the Pope had sent an envoy to China, and as some Nestorian missionaries had gone there, I believed that we could go.

"At that time China was ruled by a woman, the Empress Woo.

For a long time back there had been a period of great intellectual activity in China.

"] "Rina and I could not leave China, for I had now no money; but we went to a distant province, where I lived for more than ten years, passing as a Chinaman."

The old fellow was inordinately proud of his colts, his Poland-China pigs, his "graded" bull, his fountain in the garden.

Thorpe mastered the colt which had thrown Jim; Thorpe, when fresh meat was wanted, killed handsomely the fat buck missed by the over-eager James; Thorpe made a pretty profit over a hog deal at the psychological moment when poor Misterton allowed three Poland-China sows to escape through an improperly constructed fence!

Her eyes were of china blue, and her lips rather full, but of the richest carmine.

In China, in Egypt, in Assyria, in Greece, no religious rites were perfected without sacrifices.

Then I saw my host coming towards me, carrying a large steaming china bowl in his hand.

This immense extent of forty days journey through deserts, seems to include the deserts of Sultus, Cobi, and Shamo, and to reach to the frontiers of Kathay, or Northern China.

E. The journey from Sartem to Lop is obviously retrograde, and this course must have been pursued by the Polos for commercial purposes; perhaps for collecting those valuable stones which are mentioned by Marco as giving so much profit when sold in China.

For from the Quiam or Kian-ku river, they pass to that city by means of lakes and rivers, and by one large canal, which the great khan caused to be made for a passage from one river to another; so that vessels go all the way from Mangi or Southern China to Cambalu, without ever being obliged to put to sea.

4914 examples of  china  in sentences