5 examples of chiton in sentences

Let it be borne in mind that Avicula, Mytilus, Chiton, Natica, Patella, Trochus, Discina, Orbicula, Lingula, Rhynchonclla, and Nautilus, all of which are existing genera, are given without a doubt as Silurian in the last edition of "Siluria"; while the highest forms of the highest Cephalopods are represented in the Lias by a genus Belemnoteuthis, which presents the closest relation to the existing Loligo.

"It makes me think of a beautiful young Greek, in a purple chiton, with a wreath of roses in his hair.

Though clad only in the Spartan chiton, they took vigorous part in dancing and probably wrestling.

There were also varieties of the following genera: namely, lepas, chiton, cardium, pinna, nerita, two or three species of ostrea, a small mytilus, and a small buccinum of great beauty; that covered the rocks and at low water might be collected in abundance.

Chiton rugosus (n.s.)

5 examples of  chiton  in sentences