Do we say chose or choose

chose 3620 occurrences

With a view to encourage this disposition, as well as to ascertain how those fared who chose that abode, he paid Daggett a visit, and passed a night or two himself in the cabin of the craft.

They used them with as much severity as they chose; they measured their treatment only by their own passion and caprice; and, by leaving them on every occasion, without the possibility of an appeal, they rendered their situation the most melancholy and intolerable, that can possibly be conceived.

Every man wandered where he chose, changing his residence, as a spot attracted his fancy, or suited his convenience, uncontrouled by his neighbour, unconnected with any but his family.

Hence also (as every thing was common) he collected what he chose without injury, and enjoyed without injury what he had collected.

These letters were sent to the author of the present Essay, with liberty to make what use of them he chose, by the gentleman to whom they were written.]

The American poet Lowell chose Sir Launfal, a less prominent figure in Arthurian romance, for the hero of his version of the search for the Grail, and had him find it in every sympathetic act along the common way of life.

The exodus was very rapid during the next twenty years, since those who insisted on worshiping God as they chose were thrown into prison and sometimes had their ears cut off and their noses mutilated.

This age was far more imitative, but it chose to imitate Jonson and Donne in preference to Shakespeare.

Three lyrical poets, George Herbert (1593-1633), Henry Vaughan (1622-1695), and Richard Crashaw (1612?-1650?), usually chose religious subjects.

He chose the closing lines of Comus: [Illustration: MILTON'S MOTTO FROM COMUS, WITH AUTOGRAPH.

The two greatest poets of the period, John Dryden and his successor, Alexander Pope, usually chose such subjects.

Such was the general depression that President Van Buren was compelled in 1837 to call an extra session of Congress; nor were the difficulties removed until the celebrated Bankrupt Law was passed in 1840, chiefly through the efforts of Daniel Webster, which virtually wiped out all debts of those who chose to avail themselves of the privilege.

He chose the law for his profession, studied laboriously for three years, spending eighteen months at the then famous law school at Litchfield, Connecticut, and gave great promise, in his remarkable logical powers, of becoming an eminent lawyer.

She had the right to discuss Florrie's case with aloof disdain, if she chose.

They had nothing but themselves, and they could, if they chose, create all their future by a single gesture.

When Euripides, in one of his dramas, chose to avail himself of a wild and unauthorized tradition, and to represent Helen as spotless, he surely violated no sanction of moral truth; and in the instance of Mary, Mickle might have pleaded some uncertainty which a poet was at liberty to interpret to the better part.

He chose for his subject the extorting of Magna Charta from King John.

Between the two dreadful alternatives of peonage or persecution they chose the latterand the lesser.

All the men who had died, from Neegah the first of the Mandells, to Howgah the last of the Hungry Folk, came and sat with him, but he chose the terror of their company rather than face the horror which he felt to lurk in the thick blackness.

The Ginori, an ancient and lordly family, intimately connected with the Medici, claimed satisfaction at the hands of the Grand Duke for what they chose to call the assassination of their young relative.

They chose it because Mr. Varick knew something of the doctor therehe didn't know him very well, but they became very great friends, in fact such friends that poor Milly left him a legacyI think it was five hundred pounds.

I'm afraid"she leant forward, and passed her right hand, with a touch of tenderness most unusual with her, over his upturned face and curly hair"I'm afraid, Bill, that, almost without knowing it, I chose evil, 'Evil, be thou my good.'

But he chose sly methods of perpetual annoyance.

Then the pair chose a suitable day for their journey, and obtained horses and palankeens.

Having entered, they chose seats by the window and sat down.

choose 5713 occurrences

The answer to that question I will borrow from the satire itself, as you choose to term your scurrilous lampoon.

He saw Henry Fairfield Osborn, the president of the museum, who wrote me that the museum would be pleased to send under me a couple of naturalists, whom, with my approval, Chapman would choose.

The Serbs choose war.

'I shall state my opinion respecting your father, madam, with the most perfect unreserve, wherever and whenever I choose; quite convinced that, however you esteem that opinion, it will not be widely different from the real sentiments of the only parent whom you ought to respect, and whom you are bound to obey.'

She was indeed most anxious to behold him, and though she was aware that her heart fluttered not slightly as the moment was at hand, she commanded her gaze, and her eyes met his, although she was doubtful whether he might choose or care to recognise her.

Each time they told a more pitiful tale, set in such a realistic framing of hardship and exposure that a stranger could not choose but believe.

But I suppose clergymen can't choose where they'll live.

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"They are mine," corrected the other quietly, "but I choose to yield them to you.

CURIOSITIES OF MODESTY There are many Christian women who, if offered the choice between death and walking naked down the street, would choose death as being preferable to eternal disgrace and social suicide.

The question is very difficult to answer, because if a man is to marry at all, he must choose a particular girl, and this choice can be interpreted as preference, though it may be quite accidental.

A savage is like a gardener who has only one kind of flowers to choose betweenall of one color too; whereas we, with our diverse secondary characters, our various intermixtures of nationalities, our endless shades of blonde and brunette, and differences in manners and education can have our choice among the lilies, roses, violets, pansies, daisies, and thousands of other flowersor the girls named after them.

The Persian poet Sadi, says (Bustan, 12), "Choose a fresh wife every spring or New Year's Day; for the almanack of last year is good for nothing."

If in such a case the one thought dead returned, the neighbors and the parties interested seem frequently to have held a sort of informal court, and to have decided that the woman should choose either of the two men she wished to be her husband, the other being pledged to submit to the decision and leave the settlement.

The backwoods Presbyterians managed their church affairs much as they did their civil government: each congregation appointed a committee to choose ground, to build a meeting-house, to collect the minister's salary, and to pay all charges, by taxing the members proportionately for the same, the committee being required to turn in a full account, and receive instructions, at a general session or meeting held twice every year.

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Bacon's chapters are a manual of circumspection, whether we choose to give to circumspection a high or a low rank in the list of virtues.

Instead of France these persons choose, as they have an equally good right to do, to look for precedents to Spain, Belgium, or South America.

Even if any of them are contributors, be assured they never will withdraw because you choose to keep your course free and independent.

But M. Buloz had no competitor, and those who did not choose to submit to his Sultanic despotism were shut out from the only pulpit whence they were sure of addressing the congregation that they wanted.

Neither perhaps can they be said to have lost, for though of two articles of equal merit an editor would naturally choose the one which should carry the additional recommendation of a name of recognised authority, yet any marked superiority in literary brilliance or effective argument or originality of view would be only too eagerly welcomed in any Review in England.

I once asked my friend Carson from Colorado if he could choose but one gift in all the world, what would it be?

How wise you were, Mate, to choose home and husband instead of a career.

Nothing like system, Bohannanthat, and knowing how to choose your men!" He turned, and the other three followed him into the enclosure.

Well, which do you choose now, Majorbullets or vibrations?"

Do we say   chose   or  choose