9 examples of chryseis in sentences

Agamemnon says, "I ought not to give up Chryseis to her father."

Further, Agamemnon says, "Then if I ought to restore Chryseis, it is fit that I take his prize from some of you.

[Footnote 13: This is a quotation of the speech made by Achilles to the heralds whom Agamemnon despatches to the hero's hut in pursuance of the threat previously uttered that he (Agamemnon) will take Briseis, favorite of Achilles, in lieu of Chryseis, surrendered to her father.

She was the concubine of Achillês, but when Achillês bullied Agamemnon for not giving Chryse'is to her father, who offered a ransom for her, Agamemnon turned upon him and said he would let Chryseis go, but should take Briseis instead.

Chryseis [Kri see'.iss], daughter of Chrysês priest of Apollo.

During the Trojan war Chryseis was taken captive and allotted to Agamemnon king of Argos, but her father came to ransom her.

King Agamemnon, the chief commander of the Greek forces, also had for his favorite concubine a high priest's daughter, named Chryseis.

For this refusal Apollo brings a pestilence on the Greek army, which can be abated only by restoring Chryseis to her father.

Achilles, too, informs him that he shall have all the women he wants when Troy is taken; but what really hurts Agamemnon's feelings is not so much the loss of his favorite as the thought that the hated Achilles should enjoy Briseis, while his prize, Chryseis, must be returned to her father.

9 examples of  chryseis  in sentences