650 examples of chuck in sentences

The second was a brisk little grey and black fellow, with a loud, indignant chuck, and a broad tail which he incessantly opened and shut, like a Spanish lady playing with her fan.

What did he go and chuck that water over me for?

I take it, sweet chuck, and here's wishing thee as much good as thou wishest me."

Prythee, tell me, sweet chuck, why wearest thou that dainty garb upon thy pretty body?"

In fact, when you called I was wondering whether to chuck the business and go in for writing cinema plays.

There is a good deal of prejudice against the "chuck-and-chance-it" style among the advocates of the dry-fly method of fishing.

He turned it over in his hands with a keen distaste for opening it, had indeed almost a mind to chuck it in the waste paper basket unread.

Whenever I made inquiries about him, the most favourable answer I could get was, a chuck-up of the head, a slight "p'tt" with the lips, and an expression of the eyes indicating the sight of a most unpleasant object.

Crossman declined a cordial invitation to join the gang at chuck.

We've got to light the fuses before we chuck them.

You can't chuck away 6-inch shells on the off chance of killing one sniper.

'Chuck the rifles over,' he said.

They intend to, and their inclination is always to please us, even to spoil us; but they either cannot or will not change; and they think if they can refuse pleasantly, and mentally chuck us under the chin and make us smile, that they have succeeded in getting our minds off a troublesome subject.

If a solicitor doesn't swindle in the proper shabby-magnificent way, they chuck him for unprofessional conduct."

Better chuck his job and clear out!

Little Chuck's adventure.

" And on the other side of the sign, challenging the possible carelessness of the chance visitor, was the legend: "Now you've been in and had your chuck, Please close this gate, just once, for luck.

They're chuck full of spear holes by this time.

SAUERBRATEN Take a piece of cross-rib or middle cut of chuck about three pounds, and put it in a deep earthen jar and pour enough boiling vinegar over it to cover; you may take one-third water.

FRIED BEEFSTEAK Take third cut of chuck or the tenderloin.

When he was about the range most usually he was the quietest man I ever sat opposite to barrin' oneand that was a feller that went west with a bum heart at the chuck table!

Tilt the green once more, sir, and I chuck the match.

You may chuck a whole Slang Dixionary by chunks in a stodge-pot of chat, But if 'tisn't alive, 'tain't chin-music, but kibosh, and corpsey at that.

I would "chuck" all my friends, sweetsave you To the pathways of Gush to return.

Eh? "Chuck" did I say?

650 examples of  chuck  in sentences