338 examples of ci in sentences

"Le ragazze di Trieste Cantan tutte con ardore, 'O Italia, O Italia del mio core, Tu ci vieni a liberar!'

To Procter C. To Bernard Barton CI.

There was an agony of hostile dismay in the look, and the trembling and appealing tone with which, taking the frightened mother's cheeks between her palms, she said: "Ah! ma mère, qui vini 'ci ce soir?"Who is coming here this evening?

Mo courri 'ci, mo courri ,mo pas capabe li trouvé.

Adj. past, gone, gone by, over, passed away, bygone, foregone; elapsed, lapsed, preterlapsed^, expired, no more, run out, blown over, has-been, that has been, extinct, antediluvian, antebellum, never to return, gone with the wind, exploded, forgotten, irrecoverable; obsolete &c (old) 124. former, pristine, quondam, ci-devant

The direct road from Lublin to Kiow, passes through the palatinates of Russia, Wolhynia, and Kiow, provinces of ci-devant Poland, now annexed to the Russian empire.

Ci-dessous je vous transmets la formule modifiée en conséquence.

l'Allemagne et que celle-ci se trouve par conséquent en état de guerre avec ladite Puissance, l'Autriche-Hongrie se considère également en état de guerre avec la Russie à partir du présent moment.

A perfectly natural reaction appeared to urge the ci-devant mourners to robe themselves in lively checks and tartans.


The ci-devant Emily was no more than a summary of the feelings, interests, and passions of millions, living and dying in a narrow circle erected by her own vanities, and embellished by her own contracted notions of what is the end and aim of human existence, and within a sphere that she fancied respectable and refined.

Youth, beauty, wealth and the shadow of an old family name could cover a multitude of such sins as rapid manners, desperate flirtations and a questionable origin; and notwithstanding her fastness, and, worse still, her ci-devant governess-ship, Mrs. Clement Rutherford was a decided social success.

What is it that you wish me to do?" "You must sail for Europe in one of next week's steamers, leaving behind you such a confession of guilt as will enable my brother to procure a divorce without revealing the shameful fact that he was the innocent means of introducing an impostora ci-devant loretteto his family and friends as his wife.

There are several other fine paintings hereone of them said to be the best performance of Quintin Matsys, who, under the inspiration of love, deserted the anvil for the pallet; and another by his father-in-law, Flors, supposed to be the identical picture upon which the ci devant blacksmith painted a bee, with such skill as to obtain the old artist's cordial consent to the marriage of Matsys with his daughter.

"ti, before a vowel, and unaccented, have the sound of si or ci.

Racontez une autre histoire semblable à celle-ci.

" Comment le fermier s'est-il défait de sa rosse?A-t-il revu l'acheteur?Celui-ci en voulait-il au fermier?Quel conseil le fermier a-t-il donné à l'officier? 85.

Celui-ci est Lamartine and Balzac.

" SECTION CI "Lomasa said, 'Armed with the Vajra then, and supported by celestials endued with great might, Indra then approached Vritra, who was then occupying the entire earth and the heaven.

Oimè che 'I troppo amore Ci ha disfatti ambe dua.

"Gin-gulp! appropriate certainly, but de-ci-ded-lylow."

De l'humeur dont elle est, je crois que cet amour-ci ne la divertira guère.

Il me présente de la meilleure foi du monde, en qualité d'intendant, à cette dame-ci, dont je lui ai parlé, et dont il se trouve le procureur; il ne sait point du tout que c'est toi qui m'as adressé à lui.

Oh! ça, Dubois, il s'agit de faire sortir cet homme-ci. DUBOIS.

D'ailleurs, celui-ci m'auroit été bien cher!

338 examples of  ci  in sentences