2436 examples of cigars in sentences

New-York, | | | | MANUFACTURERS OF THE | | | | Finest Cigars made in the United States.

How many of your cigars have I made away with?" "Not half enough recently," I said.

Indeed, the dinner was so good that it demanded undivided attention, and not until the coffee was on the table and the cigars lighted did we speak of the business which had brought us together.

For there, in the middle of the floor, was the Boule cabinet, with M. Pigot standing beside it, and Grady and Simmonds sitting opposite, flung carelessly back in their chairs, and puffing at black cigars.

He produced from a cupboard two glasses, a decanter of whisky, a siphon of soda, and a box of cigars.

Rolfe quickly discovered that the cigars were of a quality that seldom came his way, and he leaned back in his chair and puffed with steady enjoyment.

I don't bet, but I'll wager you a box of cigars to nothing that Holymead gets Birchill off.

" "It's a one-sided wager, but I'll take the cigars because I could do with a box of these," said Rolfe.

He produced his cigar case and offered Rolfe a cigar, which the latter accepted with a pleasant recollection of the excellent flavour of the cigars the private detective kept.

They included coats, shirts, collars, neckties, foils, cigars, and the like ad libitum; and very little else except three challenges, ten writs, and seventy-four unpaid bills, elegantly disposed around the looking-glass.

After the theater I induced him to come round to the Cecil, and in the wicker chair in the big portico before the entrance we sat to smoke our final cigars.

"Presently the two men took fresh cigars, ascended on deck, and cast themselves in the long cane chairs amidships.

He smoked more cigars than any man I have ever met.

"And now," said the girl to the smiling waiter, "a bottle of red California wine for Uncle John and the Major, and two real cigars.

" On Saturday night there was a pint of red wine for the two men, and then the weekly cigars were broughtvery inexpensive ones, to be sure.

There are fine battle-scenes on the wall; and I declare, there's just the place for the colonel's photograph over the dresser!" "Cigars, too," said Patsy, opening a little cabinet; "but 'twill be a shame to smoke in this palace.

He followed Uncle John into the tatter's room and smoked one of the newly-discovered cigars while the elder man lay back in an easy chair and silently puffed his pipe.

"Intimated he could beat me at chess," laughed the young man, "and will bet me a jar of peach wine to a box of Manila cigars!" Chantel, from a derisive dumb-show near the window, had turned to waddle solemnly down the room.

" Then followed a whirlwind; and Teppich rose with his moustache bristling, and the ready Nesbit jerked him down again in the opening sentence; and everybody laughed at Heywood, who sat there so white, with such large eyes; and the dinner going by on the wings of night, the melancholy "boy" circled the table, all too soon, with a new silver casket full of noble cigars from Paiacombo, Manila, and Dindigul.

The young gentlemen stared at the veiled lady and her grim escort, joked under their breath, and looked wistfully at the suppressed cigars, but behaved with exemplary politeness till sleep overpowered them, and one after the other dropped off asleep to dream of their respective Gretchens.

Smoking those horrid cigars, too!

A little more bacona little more beera little more tobacco; at all events they will be more important to him than a pair of new boots or an extra box of cigars to me.

"Then here are three cigars which you didn't manage to smash just now.

why it ain't often as I gets so far as a cigar, unless it be Squire, or Parson,cigars, eh!"

Saying which, the Waggoner turned and accepted the cigars which he proceeded to stow away in the cavernous interior of his wide-eaved hat, handling them with elaborate care, rather as if they were explosives of a highly dangerous kind.

2436 examples of  cigars  in sentences