58 examples of citizens' in sentences

Fortunately, they did fit; and fifteen minutes later the three were garbed in plain citizens' attire.

Enter SYLLA, VALERIUS FLACCUS, LEPIDUS, POMPEY, Citizens' Guard: SYLLA, seated in his robes of state, is saluted by the Citizens, &c. FLACCUS.

Now let me number how many rooks I have half-undone already this term by the first return: four by dice, six by being bound with me, and ten by queans: of which some be courtiers, some country gentlemen, and some citizens' sons.

Citizens' Committee."

This takes us back to that time when the citizens' chief concern was probably that of drainage, not of the domestic sortthat did not worry thembut the draining of the water-meadows upon which they had built their homes.

193-200.] Of rural ordinances, one adopted by the parish of West Baton Rouge, Louisiana, in 1828 was concerned only with the organization and functions of the citizens' patrol.

Citizens' wives were shopping and gossiping; groups of men, in high steeple hats and dark cloak, were moving along the streets.

PIERCE, BESSIE LOUISE. Citizens' organizations and the civic training of youth; report of the Commission on the Social Studies. Pt.3.

Child lifeGood citizens' league handbook.

PIERCE, BESSIE LOUISE. Citizens' organizations and the civic training of youth; report of the Commission on the Social Studies. Pt.3.

" "At the Farmers' and Citizens', mostly.

His customs declarations were complete to the smallest item, his income-tax returns models of self-sacrifice, he was patriotic and civic, he belonged to the Welfare League and the Citizens' Union, andI hesitate to confess ithe subscribed to the annual deficit of the Society for the Suppression of Sin.

They were companies of the Citizens' Army recruited by the Irish Labor party, and assembled in honor of the return of the Countess Markewicz from jail.

The boys of the Citizens' Army made a human rope about the conveyance.

In it I climbed with the countess, the plump little Mrs. James Connolly, the magisterial Countess Plunkett, Commandant O'Neill of the Citizens' Army, Sean Milroy, who escaped from Lincoln jail with DeValera, and two or three others.

To make light of this is to plant a seed of future injury to us, because many will desire to place themselves under the protection of the American flag, seeing that ours refuses to defend the citizens' individual rights.

The Insurgents violated every rule of civilized warfare, yet oathbreakers, spies and men fighting in citizens' clothes not only were not shot by the Americans, as they might very properly have been, but were often turned loose with a mere warning not to offend again.

The following are manuals that may be recommended as of comparative merit: Macy, Our Government: How it Grew, What it Does, and How it Does it; Cocker's Civil Government; Thorpe's Government of the People of the United States; Martin's Civil Government, and Ford's American Citizens' Manual.

Their servants would board the train at Gmund with citizens' clothes, and they would be with us soon after seven that night.

On Sunday night there were nearly a hundred men in town who had been reached by the citizens' committee.

That they were performing community service, citizens' service, they did not remotely dream.

Opposed to the granting of the franchise was a newly formed citizens' party.

In gratitude for the co-operation of the League the Citizens' Party offered a place on the electoral ticket to any woman chosen by the League.

Erik himself cast his sister's fair name and fame into slander's babbling pool, and high dames and citizens' wives washed unspotted innocence in calumny's impure waters.

#bourgeois, -e#, civilian; #en #, p. 69, l. 19, in citizens' dress.

58 examples of  citizens'  in sentences