44 examples of citty in sentences

Ile not curse my Diegoes But wish with all my heart that a faire wind May with great Bellyes blesse our English sayles Both out and in; and that the whole fleete may Be at home delivered of no worse a conquest Then the last noble voyage made to this Citty, Though all the wines and merchandize I have here Were ith' Seas bottome.

Hen. 'Tis past question, If they were kenn'd this way, that they intend To make another meale of this Citty.

If you would peace I might heare what they say; the wind serves to bring every word they speake: they make towards, yes, towards this Citty.

They are English: The Citty's allmost desperate.

All danger, sweet, shall dwell Far off: Ile but enquire the state of things In the Citty, and fly back to thee with loves wings.

The forreine Enemy which came to the Citty And twice dancd on the Sea before it, waving Flaggs of defyance & of fury to it, Were nor before nor now this second time So cruell as thou.

Would I were in my native Citty ayre agen, within the wholesome smell of seacole: the vapor[s] rising from the lands new dunged are more infectious to me then the common sewer ith sicknes time.

Why here are no wenches halfe so amorous as Citty tripennies: those that are bewtifull the dew is not so cold.

Ile to the Citty againe, that's certaine; where for my angell I can imbrace pl[enty].

Citty How to use mony: here we do imploy it To purchase land and other necessaries.

You must learne with here since the citty Could spare you none.

Post you back to the citty; make inquiries And most strickt search to find that Mildewe out; Whom if you meete, fyrst rate his last neclect, Then hasten his repayer.

In villadge, borrough, towne or citty Remaines there yet no grace, no pitty? Answ.

I have nowe some thyrty errands to deliver and knowe not to whome nor where, what nor to which place fyrst; hee's gone on to the citty and sent mee back to the villaige, whither his frend travelled one waye, hee another, and I a thyrd contrary from them boathe; he cannott beleeve his inquiry to be well

And for such creatures y'had best search the stewes O'th citty; this our villadge yields none such.

If you will but secure them heare in the villadge whilst I carry woord to my mayster in the citty, you shall doo me a curtesye and him a most noble offyce.[103] Ashb.

Citty w. Oh! woman, the most hardfavoured newes, and without all conscience: they say theres a statute made, any woman that buries her husband is not to marrie againe of two monthes after.

Citty w. Nay, when shall I see you abroad?

Citty w. He savours of a kinde of Gallant, but not of a Courtyer. Hostis.

Citty w. I, more at least, I warrant ye. Hostis.

Well! say she do, 'twere pretty, yet 'tis pitty A Middlesex Bailiff should arrest the Citty.

And in very deede, in the Church of the Holy Crosse of Jerusalem, at Rome, is to be seene one of those thirtie pence, which is wholly like to that in the Church of the Temple, in the citty of Paris.

"The learned Gulielmus Budeus, the honour of our Citty of Paris, and of all France, in the remarkable tract which he wrote, De Asse, affirmeth that he had scene the pennie of silver, in the Temple at Paris, and that on it was represented a head, as in truth there is.

to his busines, and he to the citty of London.

It seems that for years parst quite a littel Collony of yung Gents as gets their living in the grand old Citty has been in the habit of spending their littel summer Hollydays there, but, somehows or other, as I coodn't quite understand, the master of the littel Hiland made up his mind for to sell it, and all the yung Gents was in dispair, and wundered where on airth they shood spend their Hollydays in future.

44 examples of  citty  in sentences