18 examples of civilizers in sentences

The legends which tell us how woman was then the civilizer, the softener, the purifier, the perpetual witness to fierce and coarse men, that there were nobler aims in life than pleasure, and power, and the gratification of revenge; that not self-assertion, but self-sacrifice was the Divine ideal, toward which all must aspire.

Through the woman, the civilizer and the Christianizer must reach the man.


They were great civilizers, as the English have been.

He ruled a little kingdom, but left a great name, second only to Charlemagne, among the civilizers of his people and nation in the Middle Ages.

Machinery, the boasted civilizer, is the true barbarizer.

No, for you are self-appointed civilizers, working according to a certain code.

This myth is that of the national hero, their mythical civilizer and teacher of the tribe, who, at the same time, was often identified with the supreme deity and the creator of the world.

The largest and most ancient immigration was from the East, across, or rather through, the oceanfor the gods had opened twelve paths through itand this was conducted by the mythical civilizer Itzamná.

To this ancient leader, Itzamná, the nation alluded as their guide, instructor and civilizer.

She would say in her letters to Louis that the South will never be rightly conquered until another army should take the field, and that must be an army of civilizers; the army of the pen, and not the sword.

The Northern Pacific Railroad.%But this great wilderness was soon to be crossed by one of the civilizers of the age.

The civilizers began their work promptly.

In legend and poetry he figures as the benefactor and civilizer of mankind.

Empire builders and civilizers have taken it for granted that might made right.

Successful civilizers made this one of their chief tasks, mobilizing energy forces and materials and using them to build palaces, temples, mausoleums and whole city complexes with appropriate defenses against marauders and other enemies.

Your tailor, depend on it, is your great civilizer, and a well-made suit of clothes is in itself a liberal education.

" Presently he paused, laid his pen aside, and said: "Arbuthnot, would you like to go with me to-morrow evening to one or two soirées?" "Can your Civilizer provide me with my evening suit in time?

18 examples of  civilizers  in sentences