30 examples of clane in sentences

Potts not only widened his mouth from ear to ear, but, as O'Flynn said after, "stretched it clane round his head and tyed it up furr jy in a nate knot behind."

"Here she turned sharply round, and said to one of the girls, who was standing in the background, "Go on, wid ye, now; and clane the flure.

There's not wan lafe o' them two fellows but will be clane out

Well, it was a God's mercy that some one washed for you, and it was good clane washin' she did, I'll betand blamed little she got for it, too, while you lay in your bed with your dandruffy hair in a greasy boudoir cap, and had her climb the stairs with your breakfast.

" "Divil bur-r-n me, now, Jamie," said Mike, who having seen the major to the gate, now followed his father, in readiness to do him any good turn that might offer"Divil bur-r-n me, now, Jamie, if ye could have said it better had ye just aised yer conscience to a proper praist, and were talking on a clane breast!

"The likes of yerself always kapes a clane breast; and the knife that went into yer heart found nothing that ye need have been ashamed of!

He winked cheeringly, and said he would do it "as clane as a whistle.

"Bedad," she said aloud, "to-morrer I'll clane thim lamp-chimbleys and swape the bidrooms.

"This isn't much of a kitchen, for I haven't had time to clane it up, an' as for me, I'm not much of a cook, nather; for when ye have to be iverything, ye can't be anything to no great ixtent.

One o' 'em, night before last, split Mikey Dolan's head clane open, and it's a small chance of his life he's got to comfort himself wid.

" McCloskey was somewhat staggered at this bold declaration from Mr. Stevens; but he soon assumed his former assured manner, and replied, "I'd like to know how I'm in your power: as far as this riot business is concerned, you're as deep in the mud as I'm in the mire; as for the other, be St. Patrick, I'm clane out

,' says he, 'my masther is the Prence Ragin.''Blur an' ouns,' says I; 'tell his honour I'll be wid him in the twinklin' ov a bedpost, the minit I take my face from behind my beard, an' get on my clane flax; but stop a bit,' says I; 'where does the masther live?''Down at Carltown Palace,' says he; 'so make yourself dacent, an' be off wid yourself afther me.'

The woes of the Irish harvest labourers in England have not yet been fully appreciated, and seem to demand a revised version of "Moira O'Neill's" beautiful poem: THE IRISH EXILE Over here in England I'm slavin' in the rain; Six-an'-six a day we get, an' beds that wanst were clane; Weary on the English work, 'tis killin' me that same Och, Muckish Mountain, where I used to lie an' dhrame!

The only objiction I have agin it is, that it makes ye a'most kick the left leg clane off yer body.

Listen now, come back in good time, standin' on your own deck, with old Monkhouse for a mate, and three or four clane-eyed American boys lookin' for adventuresan' hang out at sea waitin' for the Savonarola.

" "And why on earth didn't you?" "The domned thing went clane out o' my head.

"And it's sexpence clane gone out

Now t' trayan' a clane clotht' woon wi' laace on 't. Thot's t' road.

"A clane breast, yo' call it?

I s'all mak' naw clane breasts, Mr. Cartaret, to yo' or anybody.

se yore pore feyther clane out of 'is graave!

I rackon I can shift to baake an' clane.

So it's clane she is, if she ain't got into no mischief the half hour.

'Sure they had all their windies shut up,' says he, 'and the doors too, an' ne'er a sign of a fly at all in it when I did get in,' he says; 'an' the whole place that clane, an' sarvants running about, till I couldn't so much as find a corner to spin my web,' says he.

"Faix, an' I wish he'd blow us clane out intirely.

30 examples of  clane  in sentences