47 examples of clapboards in sentences

We certainly leave the handsomest paint and clapboards behind in the woods, when we strip off the bark and poison ourselves with white-lead in the towns.

These logs were posts, studs, boards, clapboards, laths, plaster, and nails, all in one.

Kurt Dorn walked away from the gray old clapboard house, out to the fence, where he leaned on the gate.

I see, well up in the angle of the broad side gable, shaded by its rude awning of clapboards, as the eyes of an old dame are shaded by her wrinkled hand, the window of Pauline.

No bells summoned the pupils at this rural place of learning, but instead, at recess and at noon time the pedagogue came to the door and hammered loudly with his ruler upon the clapboards there beside him.

Very carefully he arose to his feet and backed against the clapboards of the house.

On the other hand, if he can get a tenant that'll put on a few shingles and clapboards now and then, or a coat o' paint 'n' a roll o' wall paper, his premises won't go to rack 'n' ruin same's they're in danger o' doin' at the present time.

Embowered in pines, it rather resembled, seen from a distance, the eyrie of some huge eagle, than the abode of human beings, though eagles' eyries are not generally roofed in, with poles and clapboards.

The curtains were all pulled down, and a general air of "not at home" pervaded even the clapboards and the morning-glory vine over the door.

They would go out in the woods and split out the clapboards.

"On old plantations, the negro quarters are of frame and clapboards, seldom affording a comfortable shelter from wind or rain; their size varies from 8 by 10, to 10 by 12, feet, and six or eight feet high; sometimes there is a hole cut for a window, but I never saw a sash, or glass in any.

"On old plantations, the negro quarters are of frame and clapboards, seldom affording a comfortable shelter from wind or rain; their size varies from 8 by 10, to 10 by 12, feet, and six or eight feet high; sometimes there is a hole cut for a window, but I never saw a sash, or glass in any.

Saplings would make the rafters, and on them would be fastened planks laid clapboard fashion, or possibly split shingles.

A family arriving perhaps in the early spring with a few implements and a small supply of food and seed, would build in a few days a cabin of rough logs with an earthen floor and a roof of bark or of riven clapboards.

They paw the clapboards and claw the latch, At every crevice they whine and scratch.

The roofs were covered with clapboards.

"Why, when the country was first settled, they used to carry lumber to market principally; that is, bundles of shingles and clapboards, which they made from timber cut in the woods.

While he was thinking of this, he heard a slight noise which Marco made with his feet against the clapboards of the house in getting out the window.

Their fronts were open piazzas, their sides were lathed and plastered, sometimes with white marl, sometimes with reddish clay, and they had plank doors and were roofed neatly with cypress bark or clapboards.

They contained stools hewed out of poplar logs, and chests made of clapboards sewed together with buffalo thongs.

The floor was made of puncheons, great slabs of wood hewed carefully out, and the roof of clapboards.

The table was a great clapboard set on four wooden legs; there were three-legged stools, and in the better sort of houses old-fashioned rocking-chairs.[20] The couch or bed was warmly covered with blankets, bear-skins, and deer-hides.

The houses had sharp, sloping roofs, made of huge clapboards, and these great wooden slabs were kept in place by long poles, bound with withes to the rafters.

On scores of congested sidings lay huge girders, rolled beams, limbs, and boxes of rivets, once intended for the late Quebec Bridgenow so much mere obstructionand the victuals had to pick their way through 'em; and behind the victuals was the lumberclean wood out of the mountainslogs, planks, clapboards, and laths, for which we pay such sinful prices in Englandall seeking the sea.

Flower-pot mould Danked and decayed the shaded roof; The porch was punk; the clapboards spanned With ruffled lichens gray or green; Red coral-moss was not aloof; And mid dry leaves green dead-man's-hand Groped toward that chapel in Mosby-land.

47 examples of  clapboards  in sentences