36 examples of clarinda in sentences

Doesn't it make you long for your dear old darkey doll with the raveled mouth, and the stuffing leaking out of her legs; or your beloved Arabella Clarinda with the broken nose, beautiful even in dissolution,creatures "not too bright or good for human nature's daily food"?

Clarin (Clarinda), iii. Clarion, v. Claudius, ii.

The sole point of interest is the long and laudatory tribute to her friend Aaron Hill in "A Pastoral Dialogue, between Alexis and Clarinda; Occasioned by Hillarius's intending a Voyage to America.

My following Correspondent, who calls her self Clarinda, is such a Journalist as I require: She seems by her Letter to be placed in a modish State of Indifference between Vice and Virtue, and to be susceptible of either, were there proper Pains taken with her.

Your humble Servant, Clarinda.

To resume one of the Morals of my first Paper, and to confirm Clarinda in her good Inclinations, I would have her consider what a pretty Figure she would make among Posterity, were the History of her whole Life published like these five Days of it.

I shall conclude my Paper with an Epitaph written by an uncertain Author on Sir Philip Sidney's Sister, a Lady who seems to have been of a Temper very much different from that of Clarinda.

CLARINDA, the heroine of Mrs. Centlivre's drama The Beau's Duel (1703).

Clarinda of Robert Burns, was Mrs. Maclehose, who was alive in 1833.

But when Clarinda comes in sight, She makes the summer's day more bright; And when she goes away, 'tis night.

When fair Clarinda comes in sight, &c. WOMAN SINGS.

Her two daughters, Araminta and Clarinda, were not very refined in their manners, owing to a deficiency in their education, but were good hearted, cheerful girls.

He was prevailed on to write an epitaph for a young creature whom he had seen, and who was known by the name of Clarinda: favoured by the great, if she had not been attached to the life of a ballad-singer, she might, with her accomplishments, have risen to distinction and fortune.

Clarinda Binger (W); 29Nov76; R647760. R647761.

Clarinda Binger (W); 29Nov76; R647760. R647761.

Strephon, killed by Clarinda as she looked down into the Pit. Charles Careless, shot flying by a Girl of Fifteen, who unexpectedly popped her Head upon him out of a Coach.

Clarinda Hays decided that she would like to try it herself; so one morning when she sat on the veranda watching the slumbers of the little girls in their hammocks, and Miss Barrington sat near at hand fashioning a blouse for Honora's journey, she ventured: "You're a suffragette, ain't you, Miss?" "Why, yes," admitted Kate.

" Clarinda Hays had grown fervid.

" "Oh, I was thinking of the excellent Clarinda Hays.

But Clarinda was getting her 'sacred feelings' mixed up with the truth.

"I'm terribly afraid," she said at length, "that you are soul-kin to Clarinda.

"Clarinda," she said, after a moment's pause, "like the larger part of the world, is looking at a mirage.

But even supposing that one had to be sacrificial, subservient, and to possess all the other Clarinda virtues in order to have a dying man call on one, still, would that burst of delirious wistfulness compensate one for years of servitude?"

That's what I'd have to ascertain before I could be complimented as Clarinda was complimented by those words.

A Clarinda dream!

36 examples of  clarinda  in sentences