91 examples of clept in sentences

And theise currours ben clept chydydo, aftre here langage, that is to seye, a messagere.

And whan I was there, hire Emperour had to name Thiaut; so that he was clept Thiaut Chane.

And his eldeste sone was clept Tossue.

And whanne he schalle ben emperour, he schalle ben clept Tossue Chane.

And the beste cytee of that contree is clept Chorasme.

And the princypalle cytee of Comenye is clept Sarak, that is on of the 3 weyes for to go in to Ynde: but be the weye, ne may not passe no gret multytude of peple, but zif it be in wyntre.

that begynnethe toward the est; to the gret mountayne, that is clept Abzor; where that duellen many dyverse folk of dyverse naciouns

Aftre is the kyngdom of Mesopotayme, that begynnethe toward the est, to the flom of Tygre, unto a cytee that is clept Moselle: and it strecchethe toward the west, to the flom of Eufrate, unto a cytee that is clept Roianz: and in lengthe

And that place he clept paradys.

Of Kyng Alisandre: and wherfore the Emperour of Ynde is clept Prestre John.

And thorgh that lond runnethe a gret ryvere, that is clept Thebe.

In this yle is a great ryvere, that is wel a 2 myle and an half of brede, that is clept Beumare.

And than the emperour seyde, that he wolde no longer ben clept kyng ne emperour, but preest; and that he wolde have the name of the first preest, that went out of the chirche: and his name was John.

And in the moste highe place of Paradys, evene in the myddel place, is a welle, that castethe out the 4 flodes, that rennen be dyverse londes: of the whiche, the first is clept Phison or Ganges, that is alle on: and it rennethe thorghe out Ynde or Emlak: in the whiche ryvere ben manye preciouse stones, and mochel of lignum aloes, and moche gravelle of gold.

And that other ryvere is clept Nilus or Gyson, that gothe be Ethiope, and aftre be Egypt.

And that other is clept Tigris, that rennethe be Assirye and be Armenye the grete.

And that other is clept Eufrate, that rennethe also be Medee and be Armonye and be Persye.

The firste ryvere is clept Phison, that is to seyne in hire langage, Assemblee: for many other ryveres meten hem there, and gon in to that ryvere.

The seconde ryvere is clept Nilus or Gyson: for it is alle weye trouble: and Gyson, in the langage of Ethiope, is to seye trouble: and in the langage of Egipt also.

The thridde ryvere, that is clept Tigris, is as moche for to seye as faste rennynge: for he rennethe more faste than ony of the tother.

The fourthe ryvere is clept Eufrates, that is to seyne, wel berynge: for there growen manye godes upon that ryvere, as cornes, frutes, and othere godes y nowe plentee.

And thanne comen men in returnynge to an yle, that is clept Casson: and that yle hathe wel 60 jorrneyes in lengthe, and more than 50 in brede.

From that kyngdom comen men, in returnynge, to another yle, that is clept Rybothe: and it is also under the grete Chane.

Mandeville describes it as found in "the Land of Job:" "This Manna is clept Bread of Angels.

And that Place he clept Paradise.

91 examples of  clept  in sentences