26 examples of clere in sentences

And many clerke had lust her for to here Her speche to them was parfyte sustenance Eche worde of her depured was so clere And illumyned with so parfyte pleasaunce That heven it was to here her beauperlaunce Her termes gay as facunde soverayne Catephaton in no poynt myght dystane.

In prose and metre of all kynde ywys This lady blyssed had lust for to playe With her was blesens Richarde pophys Farrose pystyls clere lusty fresshe and gay With maters vere poetes in good array Ovyde, Omer, Vyrgyll, Lucan, Orace Alane, Bernarde, Prudentius and Stace.

Thus you at Odiham stand on the edge of a chalk basin; of what was once a sea, or estuary, with shores of chalk, which begins at the foot of the High Clere Hills, and runs eastward, widening as it goes, past London, into the Eastern Sea.

But the London clay, we shall find, was deposited in a comparatively shallow sea, least in depth toward High Clere on the west, and deepening towards London and the mouth of the Thames.

O blisful light, of whiche the bemes clere Adorneth al the thridde hevene faire!

" Our eyes and ears distinctly perceive the jolly Monk, as he canters along: "And, whan he rood, men might his brydel here Ginglen in a whistling wind as clere, And eek as loude as dooth the chapel-belle.

Sir, you must clere your selfe of this.

And in tho yles men seen ther no sterres so clerly as in other places: for there apperen no sterres, but only o clere sterre, that men clepen Canapos.

And that water is in sum place clere, and in sum place trouble: in sum place hoot, and in sum place cole.


In the right-hand margin is written "clere," i.e., clear the stage for the next act.

my selfe most clere as I knowe myselfe most tru.

" "Clere he was god ynou, and gut, as me telleth me, He was more than ten ger old, ar he couthe ys abece.

This copy of mine is of the greatest rarity, for it contains two dedicatory sonnets by Richard Niccols, one addressed to Lady Elizabeth Clere and the other to the Earl of Nottingham, which seem to have been instantly suppressed, and are only known to exist in this and, I believe, one or two other examples of the book.

The first runs as follows: My Muse, that whilom wail'd those Briton kings, Who unto her in vision did appear, Craves leave to strengthen her night-weathered wings In the warm sunshine of your golden Clere

The upper or clere story is supported on arches, with an enriched gothic window in each compartment.

The pewing, gallery fronts, and fittings will be of fine oak; and we learn that the altar and eight clere story windows will be filled with painted glass.

CLERE, VERA, illus.

Illustrated by Vera Clere.

CLERE, VERA, illus.

Illustrated by Vera Clere.

[Footnote F: Chaucer's text is: 'And in a tombe of marble stoones clere Enclosed they this litel body swete.' Ed.] * *

[Footnote D: "In Chaucer's poem, after 'the cuckoo, bird unholy,' has said his evil say, the Nightingale breaks forth 'so lustily,' 'That with her clere voys she made rynge Thro out

Harpalus and eke Corin Were herdmen both yfere: And Phillida could twist and spin And therto sing full clere.

Thus, with the marvelous episcopal lettering used in the old house of Le Clere, he had Baudelaire's works printed in a large format recalling that of ancient missals, on a very light and spongy Japan paper, soft as elder pith and imperceptibly tinted with a light rose hue through its milky white.

26 examples of  clere  in sentences