945 examples of cles in sentences

W. returned to Paris, "les mains vides; seulement a chercher dans sa poche on y eut trouve les cles de la Tunisie"as one of his friends defined the situation some years ago.

He, how-e-ver, look-ed up-on all such ob-sta-cles as no-thing in com-pa-ri-son with the last which he had been en-a-bled to sur-mount with the as-sist-ance of the hands.

But there, un-der the shel-ter of the high corn, were the friend-ly hands work-ing mi-ra-cles; ga-ther-ing up the corn, and put-ting it in-to sheaves in a man-ner that could not be e-qual-led by mor-tal hands.

Cle. See, good my Lord, who is return'd!

Cle. Get him another wench, and you bring him to bed in deed.

Enter Cle. Di. and Thra.

Cle. and Thra.

Cle. Is't possible this fellow should repent?

Cle. Nor will be I think.

Where is she? Cle.

Dion, Cle. Thra.

Dion, Cle. and Thra.

Cle. Yonder, my Lord, creeps one away.

Gentlemen, who saw the Prince? Cle.

[Exit Cle. Di.

Cle. Dion, Thra.

Noble friend welcome, and see who encounters us, honourable good Clerimon. CLE.

No sir, a faire march a mile out of town that their wives may bring them their dinners, is the hottest service that they are trained up to. CLE.

Enter the King, Pharamont, Princesse, Megra, Gallatea, Leon, Cle., Tra.

Enter the King, Leon, Cle., Tra.

A] Exit King, Manet Leon, Cle. and Tra.

A omits] Exit Cle. l. 18.

A pox on such love, have you any hope my countinance will ere serve me to looke on them? CLE.

"THE DYNAMICS OF A PARTI-CLE, with an Excursus on 1865 the New Method of Evaluation as applied to pi.

"THE DYNAMICS OF A PARTI-CLE." 1874 Oxford: Parker.

945 examples of  cles  in sentences