6700 examples of climbs in sentences

The road proceeds up a rise from Saris, then falling slightly it passes below the crest of a ridge and again climbs to the foot of a hill on which a red-roofed convent church and buildings stand as a landmark that can be seen from Jaffa.

'Damn you,' I says, 'hell will break loose when the captain climbs aboard,' and it did, so help me.

* I have a little sister, they call her peep, peep; She wades the waters deep, deep, deep; She climbs the mountains high, high, high; Poor little creature, she has but one eye.

Once in a while a stranger sees my sign and needs a lawyer, so he climbs the stairs.

First, that Keats sought to express beauty for its own sake; that beauty is as essential to normal humanity as is government or law; and that the higher man climbs in civilization the more imperative becomes his need of beauty as a reward for his labors.

So it is, too, with the Tree Porcupine, {91c} or Coendou, who (in strange contrast to the well-known classic Porcupine of the rocks of Southern Europe) climbs trees after leaves, and swings about like the monkeys.

That girlshe climbs five flights of stairs twice a daywill climb no more stairs for herself or another by the time the clover-leaves are green.

"He is exposed to hatred, envy, peril and treason, fear of death, degradation," &c. 'tis lubrica statio et proxima praecipitio, and the higher he climbs, the greater is his fall. "celsae graviore casu Decidunt turres, feriuntque summos" Fulgura montes, the lightning commonly sets on fire the highest towers; in the more eminent place he is, the more subject to fall.

Beyond the water a double line of beeches, bare delicate branches, rounded head after rounded head, climbs a hillock in a steep curve, to part and meet again in a thick ring at the top.

When pride, by guilt, to greatness climbs, Or raging factions rush to war, Here let me learn to shun the crimes, I can't prevent, and will not share.

The second climbs on the shoulders of the first, the third on the shoulders of the second; and then the whole trio falls forward across the chasm, the top one grasping some bush or creeper on the other side; so that a living bridge is formed, on which the heroine (herself, it would seem, something of an acrobat) can cross the dizzy gulf and bid defiance to the baffled villain.

" (The fated engine climbs our walls, big with arms.)

Pest is on one bank and Buda on the other, beside a wooded hill climbing steeply up to the old citadel, somewhat as the west bank of the Hudson climbs up to Storm King.

Bent up, wrinkled, yellow-eyed, with long upper-lip, projecting jaws, retreating chin, still meek features, long arms, large flat hands with uncolored palms and slightly webbed fingers, it was impossible not to see in this old creature a hint of the gradations by which life climbs up through the lower natures to the highest human developments.

In the neighborhood of Cortina are many excursions and also extended rock climbs, but those who go there in the summer will be more apt to linger lazily amid the cool shade of the trees than to brave the hot Italian sun on the peaks!

For the more extended climbs or for excursions in the direction of the Schwarzsee, the Staffel Alp or the Trift, Zermatt is the starting point.

It is a place not so much for "les grands excursions" as for long walks, easy climbs and the beginnings of mountaineering.

Unhumbled nature climbs; or if it falls, clings fast, where first it may.

In general the successes of men are vain and ephemeral, and the higher a man climbs as a result of them the more easily, like a breath, does he fall, especially in partisan conflicts.

Well, Lady Morgan dances on any amount of literary tight-ropes, and climbs any number of intellectual cherry-trees.

One of the boys then mounts upon it, another climbs on his shoulders, and in this way gets the butter down.

Krishna climbs it and a cowherd throws the ball up to him.

He steals quietly up, sees them in the river, makes their clothes into a bundle and then climbs up with it into a tree.

The Little Mule Climbs a Precipice, the Horses are Left Behind.

It is only by virtue of beauty that the world climbs higherand if the world does climb higher by something which isn't obviously beautiful, it is only that we do not recognise it as beautiful.

6700 examples of  climbs  in sentences