62 examples of clippings in sentences

Your two letters, with enclosed newspaper clippings, and your postal card were duly received.

The clippings were gladly received, for I am always anxious to read what prominent Germans regard as able and convincing presentations of their side of disputed matters.

" She pointed to a small oaken bookstand which stood slightly in advance of the more imposing shelves in which reposed the portentous volumes of newspaper clippings and photographs which constituted Crewe's "Rogues' Library.

In the confusion several of the blue paper envelopes had burst open, and their contents had fallen outletters, newspaper clippings, documents on stamped paper, and manuscript notes.

A scrap-book or series of envelopes in which to file newspaper clippings illustrative of the every-day workings of government, may be made very useful.

For citations, pupils should watch the newspapers and make clippings.

But I found what I wanteda carefully hidden packet of accounts and letters and newspaper clippings.

"I also send you some clippings from the papers giving you an account of some of the doings respecting a statue proposed to me by the Common Council.

I guess I'll have to start a separate bag for YOUR clippings soon.

Mrs. Heeny's clippings supplied her with such items as her own reading missed; and one day the masseuse appeared with a long article from the leading journal of Little Rock, describing the brilliant nuptials of Mabel Lipscombnow Mrs. Homer Branneyand her departure for "the Coast" in the bridegroom's private car.

You just go and look round, and see what a lovely home your Ma's got to live in; and when you get tired of that, come up here to me and I'll give you a look at my clippings.

He had the feeling that Mrs. Heeny's clippings, aside from their great intrinsic interest, might furnish him the clue to many things he didn't understand, and that nobody had ever had time to explain to him.

Mrs. Heeny made another dive, and again began to spread her clippings on her lap like cards on a big black table.

We were standing on the side of the geyser exposed to the sun, whose sparkling rays filled the ponderous column with what appeared to be the clippings of a thousand rainbows.

" Calling the other operative from the roof, before he even had had time to attract the attention of Lena Kraus by his activities, they hastened back to the office, where Fleck and Carter together scanned the two papers from which the clippings had been taken.

" "And," said Carter, pointing to the two clippings lying on Fleck's desk, "in the old man's waste-paper basket we found those.

" Jane picked up the clippings and examined them curiously.

" "I've noticed these peculiar advertisements often," said Jane, studying the clippings, "but I never thought of connecting them with the Hoffs.

As he talked he consulted from time to time a sheaf of clippings brought from a pocket.

I'll drop you a line of course; I'll send you newspaper clippings that speak of me, and you'll see you have a friend who does not forget you and who sends you greetings from London, Saint Petersburg, or New Yorkany one of the corners of this world which many believe so large yet where I am unable to stir without encountering things that bore me.

Even unheaded clippings from them declared their origin as a piece of hide betrays the beast that wore it.

From your clippings-books I can show Rimsky who the world considers the greatest violinist.

"All right then, the press-clippings, but did Elsass, the greatest manager of them all, bring me a contract for thirty concerts at two thousand a concert?

On feast days the old ditches should be mended, the public roads worked, briers cut down, the garden dug, the meadow cleaned, the hedges trimmed and the clippings collected and burned, the fish pond cleaned out.

Separated by a door whose unpolished glass was covered with inscriptions and with strips of passe-partout framing newspaper clippings and telegrams, were two vast shop windows crammed with albums and books.

62 examples of  clippings  in sentences