39773 examples of close in sentences

He had been at school at Stourbridge, close by Hagley.

A rushing stream dropped from height to height on its rocky course, and ended picturesquely and usefully in a waterfall close to the village, where it turned an old mill-wheel before disappearing into the Youle.

But we were so close to Barracombe, at the Gilberts' tea-party.

"Close the door behind us, Georgina, I beg, or that odious doctor will be racing after us.

" She came close to him and folded his hand caressingly.

" They were close together now, father and daughtera beautiful group in the yellow lamplight against the dark background that surrounded them like an impassible fate; her face was a study of happiness, tenderness, suffering, and strength; her father wrapped her close in his protecting arms, and thus she could bear everything.

" They were close together now, father and daughtera beautiful group in the yellow lamplight against the dark background that surrounded them like an impassible fate; her face was a study of happiness, tenderness, suffering, and strength; her father wrapped her close in his protecting arms, and thus she could bear everything.

The famous goblet, by order of the Senate, was also present, as a proof that the laudatory words pronounced by the Secretary of the Ten at the close of the report were well deserved.

" Close-locked thoughts and open countenance.

" She came toward him, in her shimmering festal robes, with the unconscious, happy grace of a child, dropping into a low seat close beside him, leaning back and letting her hands fall in an attitude of complete repose, while she gave him, without effort, the detail of the evening's talk.

Her maidens gathered close about her, as if to support her, for she trembled as she stood.

Among the Savii, Giustinian Giustiniani sat livid with anger, close under the eyes of that one calm, terrible Counsellor whose gaze, fastened upon him, rendered speech impossible.

" "He needn't have been so close," Miss Bellingham remarked, "seeing that all the world will be regaled with our affairs before long.

New interests had arisen, new friendships had grown up; and, above all, there had stolen into my life that supreme influence that, for good or for evil, according to my fortune, was to colour and pervade it even to its close.

Mrs. Lorimer abandoned it with the wisdom born of close friendship.

She found him sitting on the terrace with the morning-paper beside him and Caesar pressed close to his legs, his great mottled head resting on his master's knee.

whom desastrous chaunce, 505 Hath farre exiled from your ladies grace, To mourne in sorrow and sad sufferauncc, When ye doe heare me in that desert place Lamenting loud my Daphnes elegie, Helpe me to waile my miserable case, 510 And when life parts vouchsafe to close mine eye.

For in those lofty lookes is close implide Scorn of base things, and sdeigne of foul dishonor; Thretning rash eies which gaze on her so wide, That loosely they ne dare to looke upon her.

So, as I then disarmed did remaine, A wicked ambush, which lay hidden long In the close covert of her guilful eyen, Thence breaking forth, did thick about me throng.

I lay prostrate with fever and close to death for weeks and watched the world go by: the dust, the noise, the very colour of haste.

Close along the side of the barn, as I sat there in the cool of the shade, I could see a tangled mat of smartweed and catnip, and the boards of the barn, brown and weather-beaten, and the gables above with mud swallows' nests, now deserted; and it struck me suddenly, as I observed these homely pleasant things: "All this is mine.

So I started at the fence corner back of the barn and walked straight up through the pasture, keeping close to my boundaries, that I might not miss a single rod of my acres.

How property kept them apart, prevented the close, confident touch of friendship, how it separated lovers and ruined families!

He fears not Scylla, and sails close by Charybdis, and having beaten out a storm, rides at rest in a harbour.

He had laid waste the fields and gardens round about Athens, had pitched his camp close to the walls, and had sent word to the Athenian rulers that on the morrow he would march into their city with fire and sword and would slay all their young men and would pull down all their houses, even to the Temple of Athena, which stood on the great hill above the town.

39773 examples of  close  in sentences