20 examples of close-mouthed in sentences

He seemed to be a close-mouthed kind of a chap.

" "Then you'll hardly like the Effinghams, for I never yet met with a more close-mouthed family.

"As much so as possible; they have hardly a way that you would like, my dear ma'am; and are as close-mouthed as if they were afraid of committing themselves.

The women would have liked Mrs. Paine much better if she had talked more, and complained about himshe was too close-mouthed they said.

The young man had never talked so much before, being, on the whole, rather close-mouthed.

"That's so," answered Eben in a dismal tone, "that's so; but he's dreadful close-mouthed when he's a mind to be.

"The sooner they know the whole on't the better, and the sooner they'll be through talkin'," said the Elder, and nobody could have accused him of being "close-mouthed" now.

He was very close-mouthed that morning.

In the first place, coincident with the completion of the building, a new element had been introduced into the little community by the arrival of several keen-eyed, close-mouthed men, who boarded at the local hotel and were understood to be employees at the new building.

Maybe Jack hasonly he's such a close-mouthed beggar.

You are too blamed close-mouthed for any ordinary newspaper use.

"She is very close-mouthed, sahib," added Selim, with conviction.

Mrs. Ranger did not like her for two reasonsfirst, she had married her favorite cousin, Alfred Hastings, and had been the "ruination" of him; second, she had a way of running on and on to everyone and anyone about the most intimate family affairs, and close-mouthed Ellen Ranger thought this the quintessence of indiscretion and vulgarity.

Men are so close-mouthed.

I'll hide you if they come, and the servants are close-mouthed.

' III FIRST BLOOD Macgregor, his countenance shining with lover's anticipation and Lever's soap, was more surprised than gratified to find Willie Thomson awaiting him at the close-mouth.

Poor Margaret seldom had this pleasure; every one called her boy malicious and close-mouthed.

He's close-mouthed, which is a good quality, though it can be carried too fur.

If we are more enlightened than our shipmates, Master Yarn, let us be close-mouthed, that others do not steal our knowledgehold, here is a crown with the face of King Louis; he is our bitterest enemy, and you may swallow him whole, if you please, or take him in morsels, as shall best suit your humor.

"What put it into your head, Evelyn, and what made you so close-mouthed about it?

20 examples of  close-mouthed  in sentences