10 examples of close the deal in sentences

Jerry was surprised, but being a business man he closed the deal on the spot.

I just wanted to tell you, Mr. Gilchrist, before you closed the deal.

The gentleman returned the morning of the third day to close the deal.

He further expressed a wish to close the deal within the half hour, as he must leave town on the night train.

"Be sure of your locations and then close the deals at once," replied Jones.

" "The necessity for such an interview has risen unexpectedly, because of a pressing need of either closing the deal or allowing it to drop," Mr. Grimm stated.

After Aronsen had raged for a while, and grown more and more desperate, he went up one day to Sellanraa and closed the deal.

They were in the act of closing the deal as I became an onlooker.

I closed the deal with him.

" "Nothing plainer," said Ben, when Nick had finished, "and tomorrow was the day set for closing the deal and turning the property over to the new owner.

10 examples of  close the deal  in sentences