13914 examples of clothing in sentences

We need money so the missionaries can buy food and clothing.

" "John," said Mary, turning to a young man who had come with Mr. Bishop, "you go back and tell the carriers they must come tonight for we need food and dry clothing.

Chilled, and her wet clothing clinging in at the knees, a fever nevertheless quickened her.

Her clothing dried, but sitting in a small triangle of park in Grove Street, chill seized her again, and, faint for food, but with nausea for it, she tucked her now empty pint bottle beneath the bench.

Put yourself in our place and see how you would like it," said Simpson; "you can well afford to give us at least one wagon and six yokes of oxen to convey us and our clothing and provisions to Fort Bridger.

" The cattle and the wagon were brought up according to his orders, and the clothing and provisions were loaded on.

The impression had become so firmly fixed in the public mind and in that of certain officials as well, that my early hesitations and misstatements were owing to a brotherly anxiety to distract attention from Arthur whose clothing they believed me to have recognised in these articles I have mentionedthat I rather gained than lost by what, under other circumstances would have seriously damaged my testimony.

Pack up our clothing, Miss Huckins.

This last was first examined, but found to contain merely an assortment of old clothing.

The little man had been searching the pockets of the clothing taken from the chest, and from a faded velvet coat he drew out the telegraph blank.

" She glanced at his worn clothing and soiled white necktie, and smiled.

The reek of vodka was borne up in the heated atmosphere, mingled with the nauseating odor of filthy clothing.

He stooped down and slipped his skilled fingers inside the torn and mud-stained clothing.

Beside many bodies were forty or fifty empty cartridge shells, while fragments of clothing, caps and knapsacks were scattered about.

She had him dressed in girls' clothes at an age when most boys are violent destroyers of clothing.

" Very shyly glad of the opportunity, and yet dreading it inexpressibly, Marjorie hung her school clothing away and laid her satchel on the shelf in the hall closet, and then stood wavering in the closet, wondering if she dared go in to see Evangelist.

We had been given to understand that, once our names were registered, we should be allowed to return home to provide ourselves with money, suitable clothing, and food, as well as to bid our families good-bye.

We human beings could probably have kept on the march for some time under such a temperature, for we were protected against the cold by our clothing; but the dogs could not have long withstood this degree of cold.

In addition, we left there several pieces of clothing, a sextant, an artificial horizon, and a hypsometer.

My soul's uneasy clothing!

The blood-stained coat was open, the pockets of the garments turned out, like those in the wardrobe, and all the clothing disarranged, evidently by hands which searched for something with frenzied haste and merciless determination.

If I were to be caught here, alone with the dead man, my hands and clothing stained with his blood, I should be arrested.

Each divested himself of every unnecessary article of clothing, while their tomahawks were the only arms they preserved.

No sooner was it at liberty, than it made for the door with as much speed as its various encumbrances would allow; and Anna, now completely roused, and forgetting all prudential considerations in the excitement of the moment, hastily put on a few articles of clothing, and, throwing her cloak around her, seized her lantern and followed.

The conference of St. Vincent attached to St. Walburge's Church numbers 16 active members, who collected and distributed in food and clothing during last year 112 pounds.

13914 examples of  clothing  in sentences