6 examples of clou in sentences

They take their name from the Latin word clavus, or the French clou, both meaning a nail, and to which the clove has a considerable resemblance.

What ifand his thoughts ran ahead to the day in the redwoods, that day set apart by his mind as the clou of the excursionwhat if the thing her eyes seemed to say to him should be true?

All night on Guenevere He cried aloud Unto the moonlit foam and every windy clou

A play on the French word clou ("a nail").

Correct the division of the following words, with a proper regard to Rules 1st and 3d: "a-scribe, bland-ish, bran-chy, clou-dy, dus-ty, drea-ry, eve-ning, faul-ty, fil-thy, fros-ty, gau-dy, gloo-my, heal-thy, hear-ken, hear-ty, hoa-ry, lea-ky, loung-er, mar-shy, migh-ty, mil-ky, naugh-ty, pas-sing, pit-cher, rea-dy, roc-ky, spee-dy, stea-dy, stor-my, thirs-ty, thor-ny, trus-ty, ves-try, wes-tern, weal-thy.

Leonardo da Vinci, full of years and discontented with his Italian patrons, accompanied Francis I. to France, and died in his arms at the castle of Clou, near Amboise, where he had fixed his residence.

6 examples of  clou  in sentences