20 examples of co-ed in sentences

The Saturday night camp fire at this Institute, contrary to the usual custom, was not co-ed.

And that he might detain it there Forever from that day, Our Co-ed shyly gave to him A Yale lock long and gray.

[Illustration: "THE IDEAL CO-ED"] ~The Deal Closed.~ The ideal co-ed is a thing of books, A creature of brain entirely; With stooping shoulders and studious looks, She digs all day and half the night; People say she is wondrous bright, But her figure's an awful sight!

[Illustration: "THE IDEAL CO-ED"] ~The Deal Closed.~ The ideal co-ed is a thing of books, A creature of brain entirely; With stooping shoulders and studious looks, She digs all day and half the night; People say she is wondrous bright, But her figure's an awful sight!

Now, the kind of co-ed that I describe Is a co-ed seen very rarely; The real co-ed's a thing of grace, With dainty figure and winsome face; She walks and rides, and she cuts, mon Dieu!

Now, the kind of co-ed that I describe Is a co-ed seen very rarely; The real co-ed's a thing of grace, With dainty figure and winsome face; She walks and rides, and she cuts, mon Dieu!

Now, the kind of co-ed that I describe Is a co-ed seen very rarely; The real co-ed's a thing of grace, With dainty figure and winsome face; She walks and rides, and she cuts, mon Dieu!

Cornell's "co-eds" have flattering ways; Many a soul they have filled with woe; Up at Vassar they're prone to stays, And no girl there can have a beau; All those beautiful blooms must throw Their sweetness away where no man may dwell; Rules can be cheated, sometimes, though: I have been there,but I won't tell! ENVOY.

As to that same extraordinary assortment of visitors at the Marshall house, one of the University co-eds had said facetiously that you met there every sort of person in the world, from spiritualists to atheistseverybody except swells.

The spiritualist of the co-ed's remark was, of course, poor foolish Cousin Parnelia, the children's pet detestation, whose rusty clothes and incoherent speech they were prevented from ridiculing only by stern pressure from their mother.

Yes, the co-ed had been right, one met at the Marshalls' every variety of person except the exclusive.

She hated the way the young men's Adam's apples showed through their too-widely opened collars, and she loathed the way the thin brown hair of one of the co-eds was strained back from her temples.

The social standing of the co-eds in State Universities was already precarious enough, without running the risk of acquiring dubious social connections.

These young men, under the influence of reports of what was done at Cornell and other more eastern co-educational institutions, were already strongly inclined to ignore the co-eds as much as possible.

As yet, however, this tendency had not gone so far but that those co-eds who were members of a socially recognized fraternity were automatically saved from the neglect which enveloped all other but exceptionally flirtatious and undiscriminating girls.

It was a delight to her to be able to swim in the winter-time, she organized the first water-polo team among the co-eds, and she began to learn fencing from the Commandant of the University Battalion.

TREYNOR, SELINA E. Dancing co-ed.

TREYNOR, SELINA E. Dancing co-ed.

It is called by some, after the policy of the University of California, through whose domain it runs, "Co-ed Cañon"; by others, from the abundance of charming blossoms and luscious fruit found upon its rugged sides, "Strawberry Cañon."

Which of these words are in good use? Pianist, harpist, poloist, violinist, phiz, ad, co-ed, curios, exam, cab, chum, gent, hack, gym, pants, mob, phone, proxy, photo, prelim, van, prof, varsity.

20 examples of  co-ed  in sentences