1003 examples of co-operations in sentences

How can a democracy be possible without a knowledge of the control of the individually and socially subnormal, who, since they offer themselves to exploitation by the careerists, prove themselves the weak links in the chain of co-operation with an equal opportunity for all, that is the democratic ideal?

ENDOCRINE CO-OPERATIONS The body-mind is a perfect corporation.

Yet, in the efficiency of its co-operations, and in the co-ordination of the needs and supplies of producer, middle man, and consumer, there is no one of the great organizations of the captains of industry which can for a moment approach it.


As within a corporation there are factions and cliques, influences that always work together, and forces that are always pulling in opposite directions, so within the interlocking directorate of the ductless glands there are antagonisms and inhibitions, co-operations and compensations.

There are mutual co-operations, partnerships, when a gland will oversecrete to assist another, or in response to another which is also oversecreting.

It is one of the best examples we have of inter-glandular co-operations and reactions in reply to the threat of danger or the hint of pleasure.

Besides the antagonisms and co-operations between them, there are certain lines along which the glands, in their effects, specialize.

But my uncontrollable cousin is but imperfectly formed for purposes which demand co-operation.

Hence though the Panchama problem is as dear to me as life itself, I rest satisfied with the exclusive attention to national non-co-operation.

I have learnt the lesson that non-co-operation is the duty not merely of the saint but it is the duty of every ordinary citizen, who not know much, not caring to know much but wants to perform his ordinary household functions.

And after having listened to my message if you come to the come to the conclusion that you have no other remedy than non-co-operation for the conservation of Islam and the honour of India, you will accept that remedy.

We cannot possibly combine violence with a spiritual weapon like non-co-operation.

I venture to submit that the Bhagwad Gita is a gospel of non-co-operation between forces of darkness and those of light.

The cordial co-operation of the French Admiralty with us, and the manner in which our proposals were met, form very pleasant memories of my term of office at the Admiralty.

Thus the State, in co-operation with the whole community, becomes the educator of its people.

April 11.] avoided; that he should be requested to give satisfaction on the question of religion as speedily as possible, and that no co-operation of the royal forces with the Scots should be permitted.

No doubt this is an age when everything makes for wider and wider co-operations.

It is highly probable that the physiologist and the organic chemist are working towards co-operations that may make the physician's sphere the new scientific wonderland.

Their economic life was based on co-operation, for the sailors, as well as the captain and owner of the ship, who were generally the same person, took shares in the outlay and profit of each voyage; but their political organization was oligarchicalan executive council elected by and from the owners of the shipping.

Then I told him how I thought this might be accomplished; and he quite approved of what I proposed, entered into it with great spirit, and promised his ready co-operation.

" Dr. Talmage also sent a communication to Dr. Thomas De Witt, then Corresponding Secretary for the Reformed Church in co-operation with the American Board.

A comparative study of cataloging rules based on the Anglo-American Code of 1908; with comments on the rules and on the prospects for a further extension of international agreement and co-operation.

They used it as the eyes of the army, in co-operation with the aerial eyes of the planes.

Co-operation in school government and discipline is one of the most educational experiences that an Indian girl can pass through.

1003 examples of  co-operations  in sentences