59 examples of co-worker in sentences

Letourneux, the fierce Jansenist, wrote to the Breviary-poet, Santeuil, his co-worker: "Vous faites fumer l'encens; mais c'est un feu estranger qui brule dans l'ensenoir.

"Over twelve quid apiece," said the delighted Mr. Kidd as he bade his co-worker good night.

"Over twelve quid apiece," said the delighted Mr. Kidd as he bade his co-worker good night.

I asked you, sir, to come under my roof as an intellectual co-worker, as one gentleman asks another, and here you are making these niggery motions!

For a friend and co-worker like T.E. Willson, ever ready to give material help and moral encouragement, is not easily replaced.

Their untiring co-worker in furnishing these facilities, was the Most Reverend Ambrose Maréchal, Archbishop of Baltimore from 1817 to 1828.

Moreover, since it is a duty to be a co-worker in the transition from the historical to the pure religious faith, the clergy must be free as scientific theologians, as scholars and authors to examine the doctrines of faith and to give expression to dissenting opinions, while, as preachers in the pulpit, speaking under commission, they are bound to the creeds.

However, the danger of a forced overstraining of the language was combatted by Christoph Martin Wieland, who formed a new and elegant narrative prose on Greek, French, and English models, and also introduced the same style into poetic narrative, herein abetted by Friedrich von Hagedorn as his predecessor and co-worker.

He was the best co-worker that any one could have had who wanted to keep things straight and as they ought to be.

They regretted the act which took from the company a member who had been prominent in its organization, had helped to formulate its rules, and had, up to that unfortunate hour, been a co-worker with the other leading spirits for its best interests.

Peters and his co-workers asked favors and got them from friends in the publishing world.

'My dear co-worker,' she began, and hesitated.

He has been our friend, our boss, our co-worker.

Two policemen outside made themselves useful; one patrolled the street calmly, and the other very kindly aided Norrish, Mr. Eamsey's co-worker, in his efforts to keep the stream flowing quietly, without too much pressure.

If I could do my part as well as you do yours, we wouldn't fail so often, would we, old man?" Toby quickly turned his head with a friendly, encouraging whinny, as if he saw his co-worker's trouble and wanted to give him what comfort he could.

The great qualification of John Woolman for pleading the cause of the oppressed was the same which has been ascribed with equal truth and beauty to his contemporary and co-worker, Anthony Benezet: "a peculiar capacity for being profoundly sensible of their wrongs."

It is the Holy Spirit of God who calls Himself by that name, and to be a true comforter is to be indeed a co-worker with God.

And every man who himself does, and in every possible way strives to get done, God's will among men, is Christ's co-worker and fellow-builder.

"Go ye out into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature, and, lo, I am with you unto the end,"not as an invisible companion, not merely with the still, small voice of the Comforter to cheer you in trial, weakness and privation; but with you as a co-worker, with the irresistible energies of the Spirit of Power.

I am persuaded that woman is not to be as she has been, a mere second-hand agent in the regeneration of a fallen world, but the acknowledged equal and co-worker with man in this glorious work....

And he, the strongest and truest friend of all, whose confidence I had shaken by my Socialismmust he suffer the pang of seeing his co-worker, his co-fighter, of whom he had been so proud, to whom he had been so generous, go over to the opposing hosts, and leave the ranks of Materialism?

I very deeply regret indeed that my colleague and co-worker has, with somewhat of suddenness, and without any interchange of ideas with myself, adopted as facts matters which seem to me to be as unreal as it is possible for any fiction to be.

His co-worker was Donatus, his brother, who founded the church at Lecce in the Kingdom of Naples.

This Vail was a cousin of the Alfred Vail who was Morse's co-worker, and who played so prominent a part in the development of the telegraph.

He was a co-worker and a compeer of the pioneers who at that moment were breaking a way for it, and it was our privilege to sit at the feet of a master.

59 examples of  co-worker  in sentences