99 examples of coagulated in sentences

When meat is properly roasted, the outer layer of its albumen is coagulated, and thus presents a barrier to the exit of the juice.

of water, 15.72 starch, O.55 dextrine, 3.3 of impure saccharine matter, and 3.25 of fibre with coagulated albumen.

In a dried state the tuber contains 64.2 per cent, of starch, 2.25 of dextrine, 13.47 of impure saccharine matter, 5.77 of caseine, gluten, and albumen, 1 of fatty matter, and 13.31 of fibre with coagulated albumen.

Although milk in its natural state be a fluid, yet, considered as an aliment, it is both solid and fluid: for no sooner does it enter the stomach, than it is coagulated by the gastric juice, and separated into curd and whey, the first of these being extremely nutritive.

This assumes a degree of transparency, and possesses many of the properties of coagulated albumen.

Duck's eggs have a rich flavour; the albumen is slightly transparent, or bluish, when set or coagulated by boiling, which requires less time than hen's eggs.

CHEESE.One of the most important products of coagulated milk is cheese.

For fawn or yellow-coloured leather, take a quart of skimmed milk, pour into it 1 oz. of sulphuric acid, and, when cold, add to it 4 oz. of hydrochloric acid, shaking the bottle gently until it ceases to emit white vapours; separate the coagulated from the liquid part, by straining through a sieve, and store it away till required.

One can see it,coagulated like bits of raw liver, while great chunks of sand and earth are in lumps, held together by this human glue.

She did see how in the intense cold it had coagulated over the wounds, checking its own flow.

In the succeeding chapters we shall have occasion to refer to various and allied forms of proteids as they exist in muscle (myosin), coagulated blood (fibrin), and bones (gelatin).

There was a small quantity of coagulated blood in the stomach; but I could discover no orifice from which it could have issued; and therefore supposed it to have been squeezed out of the lungs, by the animal's straining while it was vomiting.

There is coagulated lymph in his legs, one thigh, Tierney thinks, is a little swelled.

Among strange articles that we saw for sale, were cakes of coagulated blood.

At last he pulled the counterpane fairly smooth, but in an evil moment, looking under the bed, he perceived large quantities of fluffy and coagulated dust.

If the accident be recent only a little blood will be found, either liquid, or coagulated about the wound.

It is a wound, moreover, which is likely to impede the thorough access to it of the solution in which the foot is fomented, on account of the flakes of coagulated fibrin which fill it.

I searched every part of the vessel; I visited the place of slaughter, which I had, at first, carefully avoided; I counted nine dead bodies, and the coagulated blood formed a loathsome mass around them; I shuddered to think I was desolatethe companion of death.

And yet a solace soothes my brow, Making my air a shade less gloomy: Six shillings in the pound is now The figure out of which they do me; But, were we man and wife to-day (So close the Treasury loves to link 'em), A grievous super-tax they'd lay On our coagulated income.

When the blood ceased to flow, forming on the temple a red, coagulated spot, Ferragut tried to raise her up.

The blood had coagulated there into a mass, of a texture and colour sufficiently marked to shew that it had been blood.

Skim out the rind; let the milk come to the boiling point, and drop into it the well-beaten whites of two eggs, in tablespoonfuls, turning each one over carefully, allowing them to remain only long enough to become coagulated but not hardened, and then place the balls upon a wire sieve to drain.

Let the water cease to boil, then dip the beaten white in spoonfuls on the top of the scalding water, allowing it to remain for a second or two until coagulated, but not hardened.

Blood, in the bend of the elbow, coagulated there.

They are commended for resolving coagulated blood, and as a cathartic, diuretic, and deobstruent.

99 examples of  coagulated  in sentences