209 examples of coconut in sentences

The stem, like that of the Coconut, usually curves the height of a man ere it rises in a shaft for fifty or sixty feet more.

But one soon got accustomed to the strange sights; though it was, to say the least, somewhat startling to find, on Christmas Day, the altar and pulpit decked with exquisite tropic flowers; and each doorway arched over with a single pair of coconut leaves, fifteen feet high.

tabú: A utensil fashioned from half of a coconut shell.

These consist in the supervision of the grain fields, coconut groves, betel-nut plantations, and in the preservation of the general order and peace of the town.

The crops consist of indigo, rice, etc., with groves of the betel, palm, coconut, and quantities of fruit trees.

The principal article of culture is the coconut tree, which is seen in large groves.

About noon they left Don Escudero's, and took a road leading to the southward and eastward, through a luxuriant and beautiful country, well cultivated, and ornamented with lofty coconut trees, betel palms, and banana groves.

The plain bordering the sea is covered with a dense growth of coconut trees.

Their hair is of a jet black, made glossy by the constant application of coconut oil, as is the custom in all India, and drawn together and knotted on top, in the manner of the Malays.

Newly prepared coconut oil serves for cooking, but quickly becomes rancid.

Coconut soap is very hard, and brilliantly white, and is dissolved in salt water more easily than any other soap.

lubi lana = coconut oil.

tuba = alcoholic drink made from the sap of the coconut tree.

" The country was described by Cook thus: "an uncommonly luxuriant vegetation was everywhere to be seen; the sides of the hills were chequered with plantations; and every valley watered by a stream; of all the productions of nature this country was adorned with, the coconut trees were the most conspicuous.

An entertainment of boxing, wrestling, and combats with clubs made from green coconut boughs was held in their honour; and Cook says that they were carried on with the greatest good-humour in the presence of some three thousand spectators, "though some, women as well as men, have received blows they must feel some time after."

A cooked pig and other food was then presented with much ceremony, the meat cut up and kava prepared; whilst Koah's assistant chewed some coconut, wrapped it in cloth, and then rubbed it over Cook's face, head, shoulders, and arms.

The boat moved through the water and the one-eyed gentleman, arising and treading upon the out-lying tracts of the sleepers, stumbled to the rudder, which was tied with coconut-fibre to an upright stake.

The coconut monkey.

We crossed it accordingly in every direction, and discovered the remains of native fires, near which great quantities of turtle bones, and some coconut shells were scattered about.

Upon a voyage they carry their water in bamboo joints, and coconut shells, as do the Malays.

We landed on a beach, along which a luxuriant grove of coconut trees extended for more than a mile, under the shade of which were sheds neatly constructed of bamboo and thatched with palm leaves, for the reception of their canoes.

After leaving the brig we passed a luxuriant grove of coconut trees, extending along the beach, under the shade of which we saw several villages, where the natives were busily employed building boats.

They pay great attention to cultivation, and produce considerable quantities of coconut oil of a superior quality.

In the evening we again landed at a small village near the ship, beautifully situated in a most luxuriant grove of coconut trees, and surrounded by a jungle, too dense to penetrate, except where a path had been cleared.

*cinco* five *circunstancia* f. circumstance, condition; event *citar* cite *ciudadanía* f. citizenship *civil* civil *clandestino* clandestine *Clari* f. girl's name *claro* clear *clase* f. class *claustro* m. cloister *Clementina* f. Clementine *cocinero* m. cook *cocotero* m. coconut tree *coche* m. coach *codiciar* covet *codillo* m. codille; card term in the game of *tresillo* or *hombre*

209 examples of  coconut  in sentences