201 examples of coerced in sentences

Yet, I must admit that, for the time, I was a little hurt by his evident belief that we would allow our feeling for each otherwhich is rather beyond his comprehension, isn't it, dear?to be coerced by mercenary considerations.

Let no community be coerced under British rule that wants to be self-governing.

They appealed to what they called "the eternal law of nature, that the weak should be coerced by the strong."

The case we set up was that the wife had been improperly influenced by her husband in making it, and that her mind was coerced into doing what she did not intend to do, and so we sought to set aside the will on that ground.

It can be commended only when men are worse than governments; when they are to be coerced like wild beasts, or lunatics, or scoundrels.

Bad men, somehow or other, must be coerced and punished.

The people hankered for their old pleasures, and were impatient of restraint; their leaders were demagogues or fanatics; they could not be coerced by mild measures or appeals to enlightened reason.

I think the two principal points which he makes are these (1) He maintains that the individual should at any cost refuse to be coerced by any human authority or tribunal into a course which his own mind condemns as wrong.

If he hesitated to persecute at the command of the Pope, he must be coerced; his lands were forfeited; and his dominions were thrown open to be seized by any one whom the Church could induce to attack him.

The whole spirit of the present is one of a broad and beautiful, if quite thoughtless, humanism, and I, a child of the present, cannot but be borne along by it, coerced into sympathy with it.

Hers was not a spirit to be coerced.

In those mournful months when vegetables and animals are alike coerced by cold, man is tributary to the howling storm and the sullen sky, and is, in the phrase of Johnson, a "slave to gloom;" but when the earth is disencumbered of her load of snows, and warmth is felt, and twittering swallows are heard, he is again jocund and free.

If complete emancipation had taken place in 1834, there would have been no more excitement, and no more trouble to allay it, than that which was the consequence of the introduction of the present system of coerced and uncompensated labor.

If complete emancipation had taken place in 1834, there would have been no more excitement, and no more trouble to allay it, than that which was the consequence of the introduction of the present system of coerced and uncompensated labor.

It is, therefore, only with the secret ballot we have to deal at present; for although the power to vote secretly exists, it is obvious, that unless secret voting is made compulsory, it affords no protection to those who are in a position to be bribed or coerced, inasmuch as those who did bribe or coerce would insist upon the vote so obtained being given openly.

For a time, indeed, for a generation or so even, a labour mass may be fooled or coerced, but in the end it will break out against its subjection, even if it breaks out to a general social catastrophe.

One nation makes war because its consul receives the rap of a fan; and men of a different origin, religion and habits, are coerced into submission as the consequence.

So with occasional embarrassments like this to break the deadly monotony of life, and to make men think about the mystery of human nature, coerced to massacre by sovereign powers beyond their ken, the winter passed, in one long wet agony, in one great bog of misery.

Phil coerced by Zee.

Phil coerced by Zee.

The essence is that men should so apprehend God as to desire to draw nearer to him, and that they should be goaded or coerced or terrified into submission is intolerable.

The English courts may even change the contract if the sailors have been coerced by their masters.

At such an election all that large class who are at once, for the Union and against coercion would be coerced to vote against the Union.

" "Then she was coerced?"

" "There, there, that's enough!" said Sir Harry, coerced by his daughter's glances; "there's plenty of time before coming to all that!

201 examples of  coerced  in sentences