6 examples of coerulea in sentences

Another species not often seen, but well worth culture, is A. coerulea, a kind with finely cut leaves and purplish blue flowers.

" Houstonia Coerulea.

Grevillea mimosoides, Br. Hakea arborescens, Br. Buchnera ramosissima, Br. Adenosma coerulea, Br. Orthostemon erectum, Br.

MELICA coerulea.

When the soil is rich Caladium macrorhizon grows gregariously in shady places, and Hellenia coerulea on their marginsand among stones and sometimes on trees, tufts of Grammitis australis spread out their large and handsome undivided fronds.

On rising ground it is often bordered by a thicket of creeping and climbing plants mixed up with bushes and patches of Hellenia coerulea.

6 examples of  coerulea  in sentences