1139 examples of coiling in sentences

She saw him come again into the light; he had the rope in his hand, was coiling it.

It is a question whether it is not better to be bitten by the little horned snake of the desert that goes sidewise and strikes without coiling, than by the tradition of a lost mine.

All this while, when no coaxing or care prevailed upon any transplanted slip to grow, one was coming up silently outside the fence near the wicket, coiling so secretly in the rabbit-brush that its presence was never suspected until it flowered delicately along its twining length.

The Ramblin' Kid went quietly up to her, coiling the slack of the rope as he advanced.

A few had taken quarters and were coiling in their bunks When we shore the six-tooth wethers from the plain.

He could hear the clanking of the chains which he had so nearly burst asunder, could feel them coiling cold about his heart.

He exclaimed, coiling his skin-rope.

This, with filling the "scuttle butt" with fresh water, and coiling up the rigging, usually occupies the time until seven bells (half after seven), when all hands get breakfast.

A pale, fragrant film rose slowly in coiling wreaths and clouds and hid the last moments of the burning of the letters.

They have also the power of coiling themselves up like a watch-spring and discharging themselves from a considerable distance at those whom they have doomed to deatha fact which is attested by such passages in the poets as Like adder darting from his coil, and by travellers passim.

"Looks it," vouchsafed Bruce, coiling up his long legs to get a better rest for his telescope.

She was the same in one sense as on that first day when he had seen her coiling and uncoiling her golden chain, yet how different in every aspect which revealed her state of mind and emotion!

In uttermost terror he opened the book and ran over the lines, and straightway the fiend appearednot seraph-like as when he appeared formerly, but dark, hideous, and gigantic, with hissing snakes coiling around his brows.

When you have finished this job, the rest you get consists of coiling yourself up in a damp dug-out.

The sun was still shining, however, when we reached the Gouffre de Révaillon and descended into the ravine over roots of trees coiling upon the moss like snakes, some arching upward as if about to spring at the throat of those who disturbed the elfish solitude.

The wires of the coil are connected with the lines that go to the receiving telephone, so that this undulating current, coiling round the core of the magnet in the receiver, attracts and repels the iron of the diaphragm in it, and it vibrates just as the transmitter diaphragm did when spoken into; the undulating current is translated by it into words and sentences that have all the peculiarities of the original.

One sight he feared most of all,a bronzed arm with a wide silver bracelet at the wrist, the hand clutching and waving before him heavy strands of long, yellow hair with a gory patch at the end,living hair that writhed and undulated to catch the light, coiling about the arm like a golden serpent.

And behind that hundred came another hundred, and behind that another, and on and on, coiling and writhing out of the cannon-smoke like a monstrous snake, until there seemed to be no end to the mighty column.

He was able, single-handed, to tame the writhing monster that wound its coiling way underneath the bridges.

The great coiling body, the small head, small as a man's hand, the black beadlike eyes shine out upon the intoxicating blue of the sky.

After drinking this the snake became sleepy and coiling himself in great coils went to sleep.

and each particular trunk a growth Of intertwisted fibres serpentine Up-coiling, and inveterately convolved.

While he was coiling the rope to make a second throw, some one said, "Mebby so he'd like to pray.

Tough lianas swing in air: coiling roots overspread the ground.

He gripped the table-legs like a vise, coiling himself around them like a poor navy-blue python with a green face.

1139 examples of  coiling  in sentences