97 examples of coincident in sentences

Indeed, it would be impossible; for, in speaking of its evils, I freely recognize that not only would civilization perish without its beneficent aid, but that every step forward in the history of man has been coincident with, and in large part attributable to, a new mechanical invention.

On the recurrence of his birth-day, which was nearly coincident with the beginning of the year, he says: I am once more entered on a new year of my life, I fear without the last having been much improved; and to form resolutions of amendment in my own strength can avail me nothing.

Adj. synchronous, synchronal^, synchronic, synchronical, synchronistical^; simultaneous, coexisting, coincident, concomitant, concurrent; coeval, coevous^; contemporary, contemporaneous; coetaneous^; coeternal; isochronous.

Thirty years ago Proctor made it clear to Western students that the orbit of the moon was a cycloidal curve (a drawn-out spring) around the sun, the earth's orbit being coincident with its axis; and that the moon was, astronomically and correctly, a satellite of the sun, not a satellite of the earth.

The era of railroad building was coincident with the town boom craze, and Eastern people were so anxious to obtain a share of the enormous profits to be made by speculating in Kansas town lots, that money was telegraphed to agents and banks all over the State, and options on real estate were sold very much on the plan adopted by traders in stocks and bonds in Wall Street.

Coincident with these troubles there was a new movement on the part of the Celtæ.

In the first place, coincident with the completion of the building, a new element had been introduced into the little community by the arrival of several keen-eyed, close-mouthed men, who boarded at the local hotel and were understood to be employees at the new building.

In William Wollaston (died 1724), with whom the logical point of view becomes still more apparent, Clarke found a thinker who shared his convictions that the subjective moral principle of interest was insufficient, and, hence, an objective principle to be sought; that morality consists in the suitableness of the action to the nature and destination of the object, and that, in the last analysis, it is coincident with truth.

This is the first appearance of true horn, and its commencement is almost coincident with the first stages of ossification of the os pedis.

The Quarterly writer, by some coincident opinions and references, appears to be acquainted with the above pamphlet, although it is not mentioned in the review.

By this colossal inheritance, she afterwards became the wife of the Duke of St. A, the third English Duke in point of rank, and, what is a somewhat singular coincident, the descendant of the well-known actress Nell Gwynn, to whose charms the Duke is indebted for his title, in much the same way (though a hundred years earlier) as his wife is now for hers.

The line of the greatest mean warmth is not coincident with the equator, but falls to the north of it.

Nor are the rules which I adopt, more nearly coincident with those of any other writer.

Respecting the proper management of the verb when its nominatives thus disagree, the views of our grammarians are not exactly coincident.

Mr. Spyer said that in designing propellers for ships of war, they were obliged to attempt to obtain the highest possible speed, and that was not necessarily coincident with a propeller of maximum efficiency.

The center of oscillation is not coincident with the center of the shuttle; but it is nearly so with the periphery of the thread reel, and exactly coincides with the point where the under thread is drawn from the shuttle, g.

These changes have been coincident with a great revolution in domestic politics.

It will be well to quote here from that Study certain fragments which will give some notion of what new ideas and tendencies were making their way into the social life of France, and were coincident with that great religious and political ferment which was destined to reach bursting-point in the reign of Francis I., and to influence for nearly a century the fortunes of France.

Civilization, limitations built up around heredity by, 42-43; growth of crime coincident with growth of, 203-211; the road to decay, 211-212; does not mean the humanizing of men, 228-229; new evils and new complexities with each new, 229.

But, where the moral feelings are not strong, and still more where they are almost in abeyance, I fear that the theory that virtue and happiness are invariably coincident will hardly be supported by a candid examination of facts.

This embraces, indeed, a field not wholly coincident with that of pastoral, but the two are connected alike by a common spring in human emotion and constant literary association.

They had a sincere affection for each other, and coincident opinions on the proper conduct of life.

It was coincident with the secular development of the nation.

The artist who prefers grace to truth will never be remarkable either for grace or truth, while the one who clings to truth at all sacrifices will finally reach the expression of the highest degree of beauty which his soul is capable of conceiving; for the lines of highest beauty and supremest truth are coincident.

Coincident with the destruction of foreign shipping, and the maintenance of their businesses in enemy countries (England and Italy especially) is the exploitation of the coal and other mines, oil wells, and forests in occupied enemy territory.

97 examples of  coincident  in sentences