301 examples of coking in sentences

Coke, 2 Inst. 70.] Henry, on his accession, granted a charter to London, which seems to have been the first step towards rendering that city a corporation.

Q.Had Mr. Watt any method of consuming smoke? A.He tried various methods, but eventually fixed upon the method of coking the coal on a dead plate at the furnace door, before pushing it into the fire.

That method is perfectly effectual where the combustion is so slow that the requisite time for coking is allowed, and it is much preferable to any of the methods of admitting air at the bridge or elsewhere, to accomplish the combustion of the inflammable parts of the smoke.

The furnace bars of locomotives are always made of malleable iron, and indeed for every species of boiler malleable iron bars are to be preferred to bars of cast iron, as they are more durable, and may if thin be set closer together, whereby the small coal or coke is saved that would otherwise fall into the ash pit.

per mile; and the cost of locomotive power, including repairs, wages, oil, and coke, does not much exceed 6d.

Behind the locomotive runs another carriage, called the tender, for holding coke and water.

The proper thickness of coke upon the grate depends upon the intensity of the draught; but in heavily loaded engines it is usually kept up to the bottom of the fire door.

Care, however, must be taken that the coke does not reach up to the bottom row of tubes so as to choke them up.

Before leaving a station, the engine-driver should assure himself that he has the requisite supply of coke and water.

Coal, constituents of, combustion of air required for; evaporative efficacy of; of wood, turf, and coke.

Coke, evaporative efficacy of.

The more severe cases were carried in long cars on a double row of stretchers, and they looked very comfortable on a cold night, with their oil-lamps and a coke stove in the centre of each car.

Inside, the floor was covered with a bed of straw, and a bucket with holes in its sides and full of red-hot coke did duty as a stove, while narrow loopholes served for ventilation and for light, and were to be used for firing from in the event of an attack.

"Coking Coal," by H.E. Armstrong; Iron and Steel Institute, 1885.

Provision is also made for fixing joinery by inserting, where required, slabs made or partly made of a material into which nails may be driven, such as concrete made with an aggregate of burnt clay, coke, and such like.

The improvement was the employment of gas furnaces instead of the old coke holes for melting.

Where before it required 3 tons of coke to melt 1 ton of steel, the same thing was now done with 35 cwt.

The generator, A, is lined with refractory bricks and is filled with fuel, which may be coal, coke, or any suitable carbonaceous material.

Joseph E. F. Riseman (A); 2Aug71; R510716. RISTER, CARL COKE.

Mrs. Carl Coke Rister (W); 13Aug71; R510749.


By Carl Coke Rister.

Mrs. Carl Coke Rister (W); 17Nov76; R646461. R646462.

"Prudent antiquity," says Lord Coke, "did for more solemnity and better memory and observation of that which is to be done, express substances under ceremonies."

The different fuels in common use for cooking purposes are hard wood, soft wood, charcoal, anthracite coal, bituminous coal, coke, lignite, kerosene oil, gasoline, and gas.

301 examples of  coking  in sentences