27 examples of colla in sentences

dell' onda, Fi da lin; Vien pescar in qua; Colla bella tua barca, Colla bella se ne va, Fi da lin, lin, la VENETIAN BOAT SONG.

dell' onda, Fi da lin; Vien pescar in qua; Colla bella tua barca, Colla bella se ne va, Fi da lin, lin, la VENETIAN BOAT SONG.

His putting to flight the assassins in Ferrara gave him such a reputation for courage, that there went about in his honour a popular couplet "Colla penna e colla spada Nessun val quanto Torquato." For the sword as well as pen Tasso is the man of men.

His putting to flight the assassins in Ferrara gave him such a reputation for courage, that there went about in his honour a popular couplet "Colla penna e colla spada Nessun val quanto Torquato." For the sword as well as pen Tasso is the man of men.

Five medals were awarded for comets in 1847 (Hind, Colla, Mauvais, Brorsen,

This last writer delivers his opinion thus: "Frater, probatæ sanctitatis æmulus, Germana curvo colla frangit sarculo:" i.e. his brother, jealous of his attested sanctity, fractures his brotherly throat with a curved hedging-bill.

Pigafetta does not cite it in his treatise on navigation; but in the forty-fifth page of his work it is said: "Secondo la misura che facevamo del viaggio colla cadena a poppa, noi percorrevamo 60 a 70 leghe al giorno."

, nec bellua saevior ulla est, Quam servi rabies in libera colla furentis;" he forgets what he was, domineers, &c., and many such other symptoms he hath, by which you may know him from a true gentleman.

" The river Alpheus was in love with Arethusa, as she tells the tale herself, "viridesque manu siccata capillos, Fluminis Alphei veteres recitavit amores; Pars ego Nympharum," &c. When our Thame and Isis meet "Oscula mille sonant, connexu brachia pallent, Mutuaque explicitis connectunt colla lacertis.

"Sic candentia colla, sic patens frons, Sic me blanda tui Neaera ocelli, Sic pares minio genae perurunt,

Meretrix speciosa cepit delicatius stringere colla complexibus, et corpora in libidinem concitato, &c. 5138.

In drawing out the line of battle, a most unlucky arrangement was made by O'Sullivan, who acted as adjutant, whereby the Macdonald regiments were removed from the right wingthe place which the great clan Colla has been privileged to hold in Scottish array ever since the auspicious battle of Bannockburn.

Et hoc negat Tryphonis aemuli domum Negare nobilem insulamve Caeruli, Ubi iste post Sabinus, ante Quinctio Bidente dicit attodisse forcipe Comata colla, ne Cytorio iugo Premente dura volnus ederet iuba.

Eripe turpi Colla jugo, liber, liber dic, sum age Hor.

Manco Capac took the North, Colla the South, Pinahua the West, and the East, the region whence come the sun and the light, was given to Tokay or Tocapa, to Viracocha, under his name of the Finisher, he who completes and perfects.

L'ingénieux auteur eut alors recours au stratagème suivant: il fit écrire, par un enfant, des étiquettes qu'il colla sur de petits sachets; elles portaient les mots: poison pour le roi, poison pour la reine, poison pour le dauphin.

Eripe turpi Colla jugo, liber, liber dic, sum age Hor.

Qui se volet esse potentem, Animos domet ille feroces: Nec victa libidine colla Foedis submittat habenis.

Qualis, ubi abruptis fugit præsepia vinc'lis, Tandem liber equus, campoque potitus aperto; Aut ille in pastus armentaque tendit equarum, Aut assuetus aquæ perfundi flumine noto Emicat; arrectisque fremit cervicibus alte Luxurians, luduntque jubæ per colla, per armos.

arati Ruricolam mactare suum: qui trita labore Ilia quibus toties durum renovaverat arvum Tot dederse messes, percussit colla securi.

Vegnam dall' alpe, presso ad un boschetto; Picciola capannella è il nostro sito; Col padre e colla madre in picciol tetto, Dove natura ci ha sempre nutrito, Torniam la sera dal prato fiorito Ch' abbiam pasciute nostre pecorelle.

Santo Ermagora la Sentenza di Salomone, di bella macchia, colla figura del ministro non finita."

The gales of the Philippines may be divided into three classes, known by the local names of Colla, Nortada, and Baguio.

The Colla is a gale in which the wind blows constantly from one quarter, but with varying force and with alternations of violent squalls, calms, and heavy rains, usually lasting at least three days; these gales occur during the southwest monsoon and their direction is from the southwest quarter.

The Nortada is distinguished from the Colla, in that the direction is constant and the force steady, without the alternations of passing squalls and calms.

27 examples of  colla  in sentences