7946 examples of collects in sentences

Antiquity of collects.

No one can say with certainty who the composers of the collects were.

In the fourth century certain collects were believed to come from apostolic times; indeed, the collects read in the Mass on Good Friday, for Gentiles, Jews, heretics, schismatics, catechumens and infidels bear intrinsic notes of their antiquity.

The concluding words of the prayers or collects vary.

If the prayer is addressed to God the Father, the concluding words are Per Dominum (see the collects given above).

When there are several collects an ending or conclusion is added to the first and last only.

Nor are their surnames given in the collects (see the collect of St. Jane Frances Fremiot de Chantel given on p. 180).

But it is not infrequent in the collects to find certain appellations characterising a saint or noting some special prerogative or wonderful gift of grace.

The Church's collects record the wonderful gifts of St. John Chrysostom ("the golden-mouthed"), St. Peter Chrysologus ("qui ob auream ejus eloquentiam Chrysologi cognomen adeptus est") (Rom. Brev.).

See the collects for St. Mary Magdalen, St. Mary of Egypt, etc.

Passing over in charitable silence the indifferent efforts of those people, it may interest some students of the Breviary to read the efforts of well-known authors to translate the liturgy, its anthems, responses, collects, hymns, into good English.

Forming more rapidly than it evaporates it collects in drops on the surface.

Edmund, our genial knife-and-boot boy, collects them, I believe, at early dawn.

He collects, under every division, the opinions of a multitude of writers, without regard to chronological order, and has too often the modesty to decline the interposition of his own sentiments.

The like defectiveness and disorder is in the Communion Collects for the day....

[a] This and the three following articles are metrical versions of collects in the liturgy; the first, of that, beginning, "O God, whose nature and property"; the second and third of the collects for the seventeenth and twenty-first Sundays after Trinity; and the fourth, of the first collect in the communion service.

[a] This and the three following articles are metrical versions of collects in the liturgy; the first, of that, beginning, "O God, whose nature and property"; the second and third of the collects for the seventeenth and twenty-first Sundays after Trinity; and the fourth, of the first collect in the communion service.

He demanded our attention, all kneeling in both cabins, while the good, simple-minded old man read some of the collects, the Lord's Prayer, and concluded with the thanksgiving for "a safe return from sea"!

[Sidenote: Caesar collects vessels.

The kid collects.

The banker receives and collects together sums of money much too small, when taken individually, to render it worth while for the owners to look out for an investment, but which in the aggregate form a considerable amount.

The Chief of the Bureau of Statistics collects and publishes the statistics of our foreign commerce.

It collects and publishes statistics on the cost of production, on wages, labor statistics, etc.

It collects statistics of fish and fisheries of the whole country.

Nor was he unwilling to promise Mrs. Woodford to say daily, and especially when tempted, one or two brief collects and ejaculations which she selected to teach him, as being as unlike as possible to the long extempore exercises which had made him hate the very name of prayer.

7946 examples of  collects  in sentences