38 examples of comfites in sentences

This is all done in what he considers facetious play, with a view to giving you a hint to examine your pockets, and see what bon-bons you have got for him, as he munches cakes and comfits with epicurean gout; and if the door be ajar, he will gravely take his station behind your chair at meal-time, like a lackey, giving you an admonitory kick every now and then, if you fail to help him as well as yourself.

The company had finished dining, for the table was covered with fruits and comfits, and wine in silver goblets.

Take one quartern of fine flour well dried before the fire, when it is cold rub in a pound of butter; take three quarters of a pound of carraway comfits, six spoonfuls of new yeast, six spoonfuls of cream, the yolks of six eggs and two whites, and a little sack; mix all of these together in a very light paste, set it before the fire till it rise, and so bake it in a tin. 236.

Take two pounds of flour, a pound of butter, a pint of cream, four eggs, (leaving out two of the whites) and two spoonfuls of yeast, set them to rise a little; when they are mixed add half a pound of sugar, and half a pound of carraway comfits, make them up with sugar and bake them in a dripping pan. 242.

my breech makes buttons, And so would theirs, knew they as much as I. He may change the sweetmeats, and put Purging comfits in the dishes.

Then she had laughed; but a comfit dish of marvelous workmanship was shattered between her nervous fingers.

"What is that to me?" cried the proud Veronese, she who had broken the comfit dish.

They have vinegar also, and a kind of comfit, like that called Natef by the Arabs and some others.

So that if such a great armie want not water and salt, they will maintaine themselues a long time in a bush with rootes, flowers and leaues of trees, they cary rice with them for their voyage, and that serueth them in stead of comfits; it is so daintie vnto them.

Sweetness N. sweetness, dulcitude^. sugar, syrup, treacle, molasses, honey, manna; confection, confectionary; sweets, grocery, conserve, preserve, confiture^, jam, julep; sugar-candy, sugar-plum; licorice, marmalade, plum, lollipop, bonbon, jujube, comfit, sweetmeat; apple butter, caramel, damson, glucose; maple sirup^, maple syrup, maple sugar; mithai^, sorghum, taffy.

But I am Corydon, I am not he, Though I no more that Corydon shall be To make a sugared comfit of my song.

A carraway comfit put into the mouth of an infant will do more good than all the badges of distinction that I have mentioned, as a reward; but with respect to punishment, more will be said on it in my larger work, when we come to treat of National Education.

We called at two large establishment for making jellies, comfits, pickles, and all the varieties of tropic preserves.

O, in many words, sounds like close or curt u; as in love, shove, son, come, nothing, dost, attorney, gallon, dragon, comfit, comfort, coloration.

Carrowaye and comfites 6d.

garments of cloth of gold, and twentie horses, with diuers sorts of comfits, in great quantitie.

Yours, Jeremy Comfit.

"Pay!" says he, "Pedlar I am who through this wood to roam, One lock of her hair is gold enough for me, For apple, peach, comfit, or honeycomb!"

With such qualifications it was not very difficult for him to gain the heart of Miss Comfit, the only daughter of Mr. Comfit the confectioner.

With such qualifications it was not very difficult for him to gain the heart of Miss Comfit, the only daughter of Mr. Comfit the confectioner.

Servants loaded with great chargers full of comfits heap the tables with them, the women fall on with both hands, and stuff their pockets and every creek and corner about them.

I have no love for such creaturesbut without so much as a kitten about the house, prithee how am I to account to my mistress for the pasties and ... and comfits ... not to speak of breakages.

"That there is not," interrupted the lad decisively; "my stomach rebels against comfits, and sack-posset could never be laid to my door.

A recital of some of the articles on sale in a baker's or confectioner's shop in 1563, occurs in Newbery's "Dives Pragmaticus": simnels, buns, cakes, biscuits, comfits, caraways, and cracknels: and this is the first occurrence of the bun that I have hitherto been able to detect.

They drink pure wine, not with sugar, as the English, yet at feasts they put comfits in the wine, after the French manner: but they had not our vintners' fraud to mix their wines.

38 examples of  comfites  in sentences