860 examples of comins in sentences

"The advance guard of two hundred Americans comin' to help ye whip the Britisher.

massa, it am comin' dis way!" Fernando could see that the object, with its strange incongruous head, its long arms, of which it now seemed to have three or four, was advancing toward them over the uneven ground; and he gave the order to fall back until they were nearer the troops.

They're comin' on their all-fours!"

And I have so ordered matters, that her ladyship cannot stur but I must have notice of her goins and comins.

For D. Browne, J. Brotherton, W. Meadows, R. Ware, H. Lintot, T. Cox, T. Astley, S. Austen, J. Hodges, and E. Comins.

"What has happened, eh?" "Injuns comin', monsieur; look dere," answered a trapper, pointing down the valley.

I'se done got de shoe, 'cause I saw it a-comin' off, an' here it is.

Five miles, eight miles, were covered with fair speed, and Betty's spirits were rising rapidly at the thought that New York and Clarissa were not far away, when Caesar turned around on his box, and, bringing his horses to a walk, said in an awestruck whisper, "'Fore de Lord, madam, I done suspect de redcoats is comin'; d'ye heah 'em from de woods ober dar?"

I come by it on the way home and I kep' a-seein' folks goin' in with books and comin' out with books.

"There's a big snowstorm a comin' down," growled the driver.

and then he threw one of 'em through a winder, and used the other three like baseball bats to knock down a gang of desperate ruffians that was comin' to the rescue.

But if you took him outside the bars of the corral without company, first thing he done was to see if one of the other hosses was comin' out to join him.

"I knew by his tone what was comin', so I slid the gun I keep behind the bar closer and got prepared for a lot of damaged crockery.

He'd been down to the tavern to see a drover, an' comin' home he'd follered behind us all the way, hearin' every word we said.

I wa'n't mo' 'n ten years ole at de time, an' w'en my mammy seed de w'ite men comin', she tol' me ter run.

She was not yet quite dead, and as Miller, with a tender touch, placed her head in a more comfortable position, her lips moved with a last lingering flicker of consciousness: "Comin', missis, comin'!

She was not yet quite dead, and as Miller, with a tender touch, placed her head in a more comfortable position, her lips moved with a last lingering flicker of consciousness: "Comin', missis, comin'!

Lay down yo'n, an' we'll lay down ou'n,we didn' take 'em up fust; but we ain' gwine ter let you bu'n down ou' chu'ches an' school'ouses, er dis hospittle, an' we ain' comin' out er dis house, where we ain' disturbin' nobody, fer you ter shoot us down er sen' us ter jail.

"They're comin' up the other leg of the valley, Johnny.

And then Mrs. Jackson got stuffy At her not comin' sooner ter call, And old Miss Macgregor is huffy 'Cause she went up ter Jackson's at all.

Next, she starts in on the neighbors; tells us all their private cares, While we have the fun er knowin' how she talks of our affairs; Says, with sobs, that Christmas comin' makes her feel so bad, for, oh!

"Blessed are the poor in spirit": there, I'll just remember that, And I'll say it over 'n over, till I've got it good and pat, For when I get home from meetin', Gran'ma'll ask me for the text, And if I say I've forgot it, she'll be goin' for me next, Say in', I don't pay attention, and what am I comin' to; Tellin' 'bout when she was little, same as old folks always do.

So's ter sing a big thanksgivin' fer the comin' harvest-time;

TRAIN, ARTHUR C. The camels are comin'.

" "But it's comin', dad.

860 examples of  comins  in sentences