56 examples of comique in sentences

Marriages, made at the Conservatoire or the Opera Comique; Favourable criticism of arranged.

Opera Comique, making of marriages at the; artists of the.

The Theatre Français, the Royal Opera, the Opéra Comique, and various halls for balls and festivals were then erected,those fruitful nurseries of future clubs, those poisoned wells of popular education.

verseThe Abbé DelilleThe Opéra Comique.

CHAPTER IV From Paris to BruxellesVisiting the plains of WaterlooThe Duke de Berri at LilleBeauvaisReturn to ParisRemarks on the French theatre TalmaMlle DuchesnoisMlle Georges-French alexandrine verseThe Abbé DelilleThe Opéra Comique.

" I must not quit the subject of French theatricals without speaking of the Opéra comique at the Théâtre Faydeau.

On the other hand, in the genre of the Opéra comique, the French stage is far superior to the Italian.

And it was thus in the eastern part of Turkestan, four hundred kilometres from the Pamir plateau, at dessert after our excellent dinner served in a saloon of the Grand Transasiatic, that the Obsession was given with remarkable talent by Monsieur Caterna, grand premier comique, engaged at Shanghai theater for the approaching season.

At the age of fifty-four, consumption and the bankruptcy of the Opéra Comique, and the expulsion of the king who had pensioned him, broke down his health.

MOLIÈRE (JEAN BAPTISTE POQUELIN, DIT), auteur comique français, acteur, directeur de troupe, père de la comédie française (1622-1673).

Si jamais un auteur comique voulait amuser le public de mes ridicules, je ne lui demanderais qu'une chose; c'est de me prendre pour collaborateur; je lui conterais des choses vingt fois plus amusantes que celles qu'il pourrait inventer.

R60798, 6Apr50, Louis Legru (Wr) MONSIEUR L'AMOUR, opéra comique en 3 actes de René Peter

LA RIBAUDE, opére comique en 3 actes.

Stephen W. Meader (A); 2Sep70; R490425. MEANS, EDNA. Characterizations comique.

Characterizations comique.

R60798, 6Apr50, Louis Legru (Wr) MONSIEUR L'AMOUR, opéra comique en 3 actes de René Peter

LA RIBAUDE, opére comique en 3 actes.

Stephen W. Meader (A); 2Sep70; R490425. MEANS, EDNA. Characterizations comique.

Characterizations comique.

The Italian comedy, now united with their opera comique, is their most perfect diversion; but alas!

He was warmly received by the press, and had already won a name at the Opéra Comique and at concerts.

One of the most remarkable accompanists in Paris, an attaché of the Opéra Comique, M. Bazile, was once so overcome by emotion in accompanying Delsarte that for some seconds the piano failed to do its duty.

A week or two had thus gone by since the dreadful evening at the Opéra Comique, and all this time I had neither seen nor heard more of the fair Josephine.

We never made up that quarrel of the Opéra Comique, and I had not desired that we should make it up.

She takes up with a Lion Comique of the Music-Halls, who is summarily kicked down-stairs by the Reverend Mr. Smith on his return home one evening.

56 examples of  comique  in sentences