953 examples of commandments in sentences

On the other hand, those who defend the current creed allege that, in the absence of the guidance it yields, no guidance can exist, divine commandments being, in their opinion, the only possible guides.

The Confession omitteth not only original sin, but all actual sin as specified by the particular commandments violated, and almost all the aggravations of those sins....

" "That is a state that befalls none of earth, my young friend,"Marble was young, compared to his companion, though a plump fifty,"My sin was no less than to break one of God's commandments.

" I could see that my mate was a good deal confounded at this ingenuous admission; for, in his eyes, breaking the commandments was either killing, stealing, or blaspheming.

"You may have fallen into some oversights, or mistakes; but this breaking of the commandments is rather serious sort of work.

"Is it ag'in the commandments for a married woman to have a son?" "Certainly not, my friend; though it is a breach of the commandments not to honour our parents.

"Is it ag'in the commandments for a married woman to have a son?" "Certainly not, my friend; though it is a breach of the commandments not to honour our parents.

Written over the Ten Commandments in a church in Wales.

The Jacobean altar in the north choir aisle was once in the chancel and had above it those old-fashioned wooden panels of the Lord's Prayer and Ten Commandments that may still be met with occasionally.

We will turn, therefore, to the Holy Scriptures for direction, as they are our only rule of faith and practice, and ascertain the wishes and commandments of the Lord in this matter.

He finds at last that the talisman which is to free him of this hag [conscience] is to "fear God and keep his commandments.

We need not commit ourselves to the optimistic or sentimental hypothesis that wickedness always fares ill in the world, or on the other hand that whoso hearkens diligently to the divine voice, and observes all the commandments to do them, shall be blessed in his basket and his store and all the work of his hand.

Now, if a majority has a right to rule, in this arbitrary manner, it has a right to set its dogmas above the commandments, and to legalize theft, murder, adultery, and all the other sins denounced in the twentieth chapter of Exodus.

Commandments, the ten, how expressed as to forms of verb, by what points divided in books, example of, versified in iamb.

Also the law, that can shoot a great way, have a care thou keep out of the reach of those great guns, the Ten Commandments.

Turn for an instant to the ten commandments; they are trite, they are ordinary, they are placed before you in the east end of your church, after the old custom of your practical, unaesthetic, and undreaming England.

Therefore it is remarked of Mr. Marshall, giving account of his experiences, that he had been working for life, and he had ranged all his sins under the ten commandments, and then, coming to a minister, asked him the reason why he could not get peace.

Ten commandments.

Ten commandments.

The ten commandments of reason.

For an Insult upon all the Ten Commandments, with the little Criticks, is not so bad as the Breach of an Unity of Time or Place.

Where the temples shelter "protected" prostitution and the wandering "holy man" may break all the Ten Commandments with impunity, it is hard to learn that the worship of God means right living.

Above all, he keeps unbroken the Ten Commandments, and practises Christ's Sermon on the Mount.

The principles inculcated are purely ethical, resting, however, on a religious basis, and concern the individual not as a member of any particular community, but as a member of the human race; the lessons of life and death are the same as in the covenant with Moses, and the condition in both cases is the observance or non-observance of God's commandments.

Again and again did the "champeen fence-walker" smile to himself as he slackened his pace to dodge a volley of rocks, and again and again did James Searsan exemplary youth for the most part, who knew his Ten Commandments by heartlook exultingly at his pullet.

953 examples of  commandments  in sentences