88 examples of commiserates in sentences

Nor do I overmuch commiserate him to whose lot the fifth may fall, for slumber descends upon him forthwith, and he passes away in painless oblivion.

We should do well to commiserate our mutual ignorance, and endeavour to remove it in all the gentle and fair ways of information; and not instantly treat others ill, as obstinate and perverse, because they will not renounce their own, and receive our opinions, or at least those we would force upon them, when it is more than probable that we are no less obstinate in not embracing some of theirs.

Who is he that can sufficiently condole and commiserate these ruins?

Tho Adam involves the whole Species in Misery, his Crime proceeds from a Weakness which every Man is inclined to pardon and commiserate, as it seems rather the Frailty of Human Nature, than of the Person who offended.

Who that has bowels of compassion but must commiserate me in such "untoward circumstances?"

The poor will, I trust, commiserate my misfortunes, and shed a sympathetic tear at the mournful tale of my miserable fate.

Every class of society has its cant of lamentation, which is understood or regarded by none but themselves; and every part of life has its uneasiness, which those who do not feel them will not commiserate.

On Friday evening, when I presented myself at the Professor's door, I was such a haggard, sleepy, dragged-out spectre, that even Miss Jocasta, the harsh-favored maiden sister of the Surd's, admitted me with commiserate regard, and suggested pennyroyal tea.

"Thou would'st be amused to read an article, which has made its appearance in the Houston Telegrapha Texian paperin which the editor says, 'that while we deeply commiserate the situation of our sister republic, in regard to the political scourge of abolitionism, it is pleasing to reflect that our country enjoys a complete immunity from its effects.

Yes, my dear Dolorosus, I commiserate you.

Virgil never made use of such machines, when he was moving you to commiserate the death of Dido: he would not destroy what he was building.

Commiserate our condition, who are so poor.

He calls Pembroke this servile cell, Where discipline and dulness dwell, and commiserates a captive eagle as being doomed in the college courts to watch scholastic pride Take his precise, pedantic stride; words which painfully remind us of Gray's reported manner of enjoying a constitutional.

We commiserate the fate of our European Brethren; we weep over the awful calamities of anarchy and atheism.

In all places poverty claims compulsion, but here compassion is accompanied by horrorone dares not contemplate the object one commiserates, and charity relieves with an averted eye.

And I observe the depth of the groan is nearly in proportion to the quality of the person she commiserates.

In all places poverty claims compulsion, but here compassion is accompanied by horrorone dares not contemplate the object one commiserates, and charity relieves with an averted eye.

And I observe the depth of the groan is nearly in proportion to the quality of the person she commiserates.

In this singular interchange of confidence, they went so far as to commiserate each other, and to condole with one another as friends, over the wretchedness they endured in their married bondage.

Upon which Considerations, the prudent and frugal young Man sold Yarico to a Barbadian Merchant; notwithstanding that the poor Girl, to incline him to commiserate her Condition, told him that she was with Child by him:

I had no time, however, with ruin staring me in the face, to commiserate his misfortune.

"Yes: He laments your late failure, and commiserates the changed position and prospects of your wife and boy, little Archibald, his godson.

If you are not in trouble, he will revile and stone you; if in trouble, he will commiserate and assist.

We of the practical world sojourning in the Shaker village may commiserate the disciples of theory, but they are happy in their own way,possibly happier in their seclusion and routine than we are in our hurly-burly and endless strife for social, commercial, and political advantages.

I commiserate your situation from the depths of my heart, and would relieve it were it possible.

88 examples of  commiserates  in sentences