421 examples of commodity in sentences

The ethical price of a commodity is the price which would enable its producer to produce it under healthful and happy conditionswhich would insure his having what Dr. Patten calls his "economic rights.

We have nothing but intellect and ingenuity to export; for though our country produces every thing, there is no commodity that we can so well spare.

nowadays the exception, for parents who want to "get on" up the social scale have found that pretty daughters are a marketable commodity, and many a man has been placed "on his legs," both financially and socially, by his son-in-law.

And what would you desire that I should, for the same commodity, give you now?" "A woman.

A wagon loaded with that commodity stood before the door, and men with scoop-shovels were transferring the glass into barrels.

One would naturally think that it was of little consequence whether duties on some one commodity were reduced, or those on another were increased, so long as the deficit in the national income had to be raised somehow, whether by direct or indirect taxation; but the interest generally felt in these matters was intense, both inside and outside Parliament.

II.Merchants have access to them rather that they may have persons to whom they may sell those things which they have taken in war, than because they need any commodity to be imported to them.

They on no account permit wine to be imported to them, because they consider that men degenerate in their powers of enduring fatigue, and are rendered effeminate by that commodity.

Money, like other things, is but a commodity, and in the way of dealing, the use of it is looked upon to be worth as much as people can get for it.

And now he considered that it would be an exceedingly desirable project to introduce the raising of the commodity in the projected new settlement, and thus diminish to the nation the large sums annually expended in the importation.

Merchandise N. merchandise, ware, commodity, effects, goods, article, stock, product, produce, staple commodity; stock in trade &c (store) 636; cargo &c (contents) 190.

Merchandise N. merchandise, ware, commodity, effects, goods, article, stock, product, produce, staple commodity; stock in trade &c (store) 636; cargo &c (contents) 190.

Notwithstanding this extraordinary allurement, the vicinity of a good market, and the positive certainty that, however great the exportation, the growth can never equal the consumption and immense demand for this article, it has, nevertheless, hitherto been found impossible to extend and improve its cultivation, in such a way as to render it a staple commodity of the country.

"The chief thing we respect is our commodity;" and what we do is for fear of worldly punishment, for vainglory, praise of men, fashion, and such by respects, not for God's sake.

Carnificinam exercent, one saith they tyrannise over men's consciences more than any other tormentors whatsoever, partly for their commodity and gain; Religionem enim omnium abusus (as [6405]Postellus holds), quaestus scilicet sacrificum in causa est: for sovereignty, credit, to maintain their state and reputation, out of ambition and avarice, which are their chief supporters: what have they not made the common people believe?

All their study is to please, and their god is their commodity, their labour to satisfy their lusts, and their endeavours to their own ends.

It might prove hard to get such a commodity as a spark plug in Millbrook.

The expences at the inns here are rather greater than those at Vienna, wine being a foreign commodity and beer the national beverage.

We passed great numbers of negroes on the road, loaded with every kind of commodity for the town market.

Chapter I. "'Twas a commodity lay fretting by you; 'Twill bring you gain, or perish on the seas.

They did give me a little commodity but I lose half day work if I go up there and wait round.

Acme commodity and phrase code.

The Bishops are trying to put a stop to one staple commodity of that kind, Adultery.

The failure to get this, plus the use of sugar in munition making, accounts for the dearth of that commodity among the civilian population.

In no other commodity has there been more relentless commandeering.

421 examples of  commodity  in sentences