26 examples of communings in sentences

" "Merely the Muse," explained Nonnus, "with whom I am wont to hold nocturnal communings.

We may not have literary, artistic, or scientific skill to present to others the results of our communings with Nature, but the joy of this sympathetic indrawing will nevertheless produce a corresponding outflow manifesting itself in the happier look and kindlier mien of him who thus realizes his oneness with every aspect of the whole.

The doctor, too, was lost in self communings.

Then came the memories, glad or sad, of days that had passed in my own native land,in the very city that lay behind me,the intimate communings with dear friends,the musical and the merry nights,the trials, anxieties, sorrows

[Illustration] I came and communed with that mighty King And told Him all my heart, I cannot say In mortal ear what communings were they But wouldst thou know, So too, and meekly bring All that is in thine heart and thou shalt hear His voice of love and power His answers sweet and clear

But I leave him to his unrighteous communings.

[Illustration: Rosine] Christmas-trees seemed not to be greatly in demand in Versailles, and many were the whispered communings as to what les Anglais proposed doing with the tree after they had bought it.

He did not depend on his communings with Origen and Eusebius for keeping up his Greek, but went back as often as he could find time to Plato and to the Tragedians.

His self-communings reached down deeper into him than they had done for many a long year.

" A maid interrupted these self-communings to say that some one ha

But when he was alone, in the view of all I have written and more, he felt that he could forgive John, that in short he must ask John to forgive him, and this conviction came not suddenly and by chance, but as the result of honest sober consideration, of his own sincere communings with conscience.

" We catch a glimpse of those communings over "our Sophocles the royal," "our Aeschylus the thunderous," "our Euripides the human," and "my Plato the divine one," in her pretty poem of "Wine of Cyprus," addressed to Mr. Boyd.

My treasures are in heaven, and my communings are more with the spirits of my children in heaven than with the friends who are with me here.

I have never had any communings with the child than touching the beautiful things of my art, and concerning hymns and prayers and the lovely world of saints and angels, where they neither marry nor are given in marriage; and so I should only spoil your enterprise, if I should put my unskilful hand to it.

" Of the heart-communings on sacred things that made that summer so memorable to me I can not speak; and yet, more than anything else, these gave a distinctive character to our intercourse.

I have very precious Christian friends within six months, who take, or rather to whom I give, more time than I could or would spare for any ordinary friendship; one of them has spent four hours in my room with me at a time, and we had wonderful communings together.

Here let us sit on this mossy stone, beneath this wide spread elm, and as its waving branches fan our feverish cheeks, fold back the dim, misty curtains of the past, the silent past, and hold communings with the years that are gone.

Charles, the dear boys will comfort you when I am gone, and perchance my spirit may meet with yours in sweet communings, and soon we shall meet in heaven to spend an eternity together.

Mother of angels, softly tread, Perchance to thee 'tis given, To hold communings with the dead, Who live and reign in heaven.

They said little or nothing, but long after they thought of it as a bright spot in their dreary winter in the Bay of Mercyas a day in which they had enjoyed earnest, glad, and sober communings of heart.

He recorded honestly in his diary what marvellous freshness of spirit the Lord had given him, and how he seemed to be uplifted in his communings with heaven, without once thinking from the robes of what angel this sweetness had exhaled.

And the more he thought about it the more he muttered and became convinced that Lily Condor was usually the topic of these vocal self-communings.

'My private communings with God are my most precious seasons.

It was the direct result of the searchings of heart and the communings for seven years, from 1826 to 1833, of the three men who have been the subject of this chapter.

So wrapt was he in these unhappy self-communings, that he did not hear a vigorous "rat-tat-tat" on the door of the little back parlor.

26 examples of  communings  in sentences