79 examples of compagnie in sentences

André Schimberg, L'education morale dans les collèges de la compagnie de Jésus en France (Paris, 1913).

[Footnote 2: See Jean Nieuhoff, L'Ambassade de la Compagnie Orientale des Provinces Unies vers L'Empereur de la Chine, traduit par Jean le Charpentier à

Une compagnie.

I saw he wanted to continue his ride, so I walked on, and presently came to a summer-house, where Victorine and the dame de compagnie were doing their morning reading.

The Baronne seated on the large sofa with Jean; Godmamma and the mother of the young man in two of the armchairs; while Victorine fumbled with some music on the piano with the dame de compagnie, whom Héloise calls "le Remorqueur," because she looks like a teeny tug pulling along a coal barge (Victorine).

But in 1717 when the control of the colony was transferred to the Compagnie de l'Occident steps were taken toward the importation of slaves.

Hand-to-hand with the Russian dragoons on the field of Austerlitz, sweeping along afterwards with the imperial hosts in the full tide of victory, I learnt for the first time the exhilaration of military glory; and I had the good fortune to receive the emperor's favournot only was I promoted, but I was appointed to the compagnie d'élite that was to carry the spoils of victory to Paris.

In the compagnie d'élite was an officer named Duchesne who took a liking to mea royalist at heart, and a cynic who was unfailing in his sneers at all the doings of Napoleon.

Alas departing of our compagnie!

Now with his love, now in his coldë grave Alone withouten any compagnie.

Après dîner, la compagnie alla se promener

Les huîtres sont portées, et toute la compagnie de courir dans l'écurie pour voir comment un cheval pouvait manger des huîtres.

Franklin avait-il froid?Où voulait-il se placer?Quel obstacle y avait-il?Quel ordre a-t-il donné au garçon?Celui-ci s'en est-il étonné?Qu'est-ce que toute la compagnie a voulu voir?Franklin s'est-il rendu aussi à l'écurie?Comment a-t-il profité de l'absence des autres?Qu'est-ce que le garçon est venu lui dire ensuite?La ruse de Franklin avait-elle pris?




Les habits, son jabot de dentelle, sa cravate blanche rappelaient un vieillard de la fin du règne de Louis XV; ses manières étaient celles d'un homme de bonne compagnie.

He had propped up the Compagnie des Indes nearly falling to pieces, and his financial resources had often ministered to the necessities of the State.

The Bishop's order was to admit me, Monsieur de Grave, et les dames de ma compagnie: I begged the abbess to give me back the order, that I might deposit it in the archives of Strawberry, and she complied instantly.

It was a shock; but 'les manières nobles et aisées, la tournure d'un homme de condition, le ton de la bonne compagnie, les grâces le je ne scais quoi qui plaît,' came to Lord Chesterfield's assistance, and he received his son's widow, who was not a pleasing person, and her two boys with kindness and good feeling, and provided for them quite handsomely by his will.

[Footnote 32: #bonne compagnie#, good breeding, good society.]

#accent#, m., tone, accent; p. 9, l. 7, # de bonne compagnie#, refinement of manners.

#commun, -e#, common. #compagnie#, f., company, society.

Sometimes the world in which she lived displayed itself before her horrified inward vision like some intolerable and meaningless piece of clock-work mechanism: J'admirais hier au soir la nombreuse compagnie qui était chez moi; hommes et femmes me paraissaient des machines à ressorts, qui allaient, venaient, parlaient, riaient, sans penser, sans réfléchir, sans sentir; chacun jouait son rôle par habitude:

Ah! sans le respect de la compagnie, je ferois des cris perçants.

79 examples of  compagnie  in sentences