51 examples of compagnon in sentences

But, through the perversity of pride and will, I did not go alone,I took with me Joseph, a mutual acquaintance, who was to be my compagnon de voyage.

Nay, from this point of view, we might well consider the proper form of address to be, not Monsieur, Sir, mein Herr, but my fellow-sufferer, Socî malorum, compagnon de miseres!

VILLEMAIN".] Here conclude my notes, and if my reader has condescended to accompany me through my little Tour without feeling fatigue or displeasure at his "Compagnon de Voyage," my aim and ambition as an author are satisfiedso wishing that all the journeys he may ever take, may prove as delightful to him as this has been to me, I sincerely thank him for his attention, and kindly bid him Farewell!

Miss Leslie, a sister of my friend Leslie of London, is my compagnon de voyage.

At the age of twenty-five she was dismissed from the Municipal Hospital, and as nowsave for the violet eyesshe was without resources, as a compagnon de voyage with a German doctor she travelled to Monte Carlo.

As he proposed visiting Waterloo on the following morning, I offered my services as his cicerone, which were graciously accepted, and we set out at an early hour, accompanied by his compagnon de voyage.

Yvonnethat's my nameYvonne Deschamps, compagnon de voyage of the Philidor aforesaid.

Celles-ci se firent avec le concours de ses compagnons, et il dut reconnaître que les dés étaient fort orthodoxes.

Au collège d'Oriel, un soir, un des compagnons de Charles Marriott, qui joua un si grand rôle dans le Tractarian Movement, s'oublia, et se conduisit de façon déplacée.

Ce généreux adversaire, sentant approcher la mort, avait jeté sur son compagnon d'infortune un vêtement qui désormais lui était inutile.

CAMARADE, m., compagnon de travail, d'étude, etc. CAMP, m., lieu s'établit une armée.

COMPAGNON, m., camarade, associé.

Les compagnons d'Ulysse.

Les compagnons du saint.

2.] Il charge de ses lettres un ambassadeur; et l'ambassadeur est un Frère-mineur nommé Jean du Plan de Carpin (Joannes de Plano Carpini,) qui le jour de Pâques, 1245, part avec un de ses camarades, et qui en chemin se donne un troisiéme compagnon, Polonois et appelé Benoit.

, volut charitablement me servir de compagnon, et il me prit avec

Mon compagnon, le mamelouck, et moi, qui n'en avions point, nous allâmes nous établir dans un jardin.

Un de la troupe commença la premier, et il but à son compagnon, selon l'usage du pays.

Mais l'Arménien mon compagnon me montra sur une montagne un château il n'y avoit, disoit-il, que des gens de sa nation, et dont les murs sont arrosés par une rivière nommée Jéhon.

4. Ne faites pas voir a vostre compagnon, ce qui luy pourroit faire mal au coeur.

c'est Aymerillot, le petit compagnon.

Le roi dit:Es-tu sourd, compagnon?

When my compagnons de route had departed, I walked out into the ward and straight up to the bedside.

The pleasantest woman in Savannah, young or old, is to be your compagnon de voyage, Miss Harz, and the most determined widower on record her escort; a perfect John Rogers of a man, with nine little motherless children, her brother Raguet ('Rag,' as we called him at school, on account of his prim stiffness, so that 'limber as a rag' seemed a most preposterous saying in his vicinity).

#compagnon#, m., companion.

51 examples of  compagnon  in sentences