86 examples of companionway in sentences

The Nigger's head was thrust forward fairly into the glow from the companionway.

An instant later the entire crew struggled out from the companionway, rushed in grim silence to the side of the vessel, and threw themselves into the sea.

" Came heavy blows against the covering of the companionway.

"Well, we can't go any place now, sir," said Frank, leaving the wheel and approaching von Ludwig and Harris at the companionway.

" All this time the thundering on the door of the companionway had continued.

" He picked up the revolver he had laid on the deck and moved a short distance from the companionway.

"He picked you out, sir, all right," he remarked as he disappeared in the companionway.

When at last she stopped outside the companionway and bade him good night, the deck was almost deserted.

"You will have to re-write that play for me," she said, a little abruptly, as she paused before the companionway.

she added, as they stood in the companionway.

" They passed through up the companionway.

'That would be very wise,' I replied, and as she turned toward the companionway I was wild to say to her that it would be a lot better for her to stay on deck, and get some good fresh air, instead of cooping herself up in that close cabin; but I didn't know her well enough for that.

By dint of falling twice over the trunk, kneeling upon my heels, sitting on my elbows, and executing several other equally impracticable feats, I got my vest on inside out, both feet in the wrong boots respectively, and staggered up the companionway on deck.

Presently we hear the humpbacked steward's footsteps on the deck above our heads, and, with a quick succession of little bumps, half a dozen boiled potatoes come rolling down the stairs of the companionway into the cabin.

" Coronado presently slipped down the companionway, found the colored steward, chinked five dollars into his horny palm, and said, "My good fellow, you must look out for me; I shall want a good deal of help during the passage.

He was so thoroughly beaten and cowed by the sight that he made a step or two toward the companionway, with the purpose of hiding in the cabin.

Seriously anxious at last for Claraor, as he tried to call her to himself, Miss Van Diemenhe stole out of his room, clambered or fell up the companionway, opened the door after a struggle with a sea which had just come inboard, got on to the quarter-deck, and, holding by the shrouds, quailed before a spectacle as sublime and more terrible than the Great Cañon of the Colorado.

Next he set Clara down, passed his left arm around her waist, clung to things with his right hand, dragged her up the companionway to the quarter-deck, and lashed her to the weather shrouds, with her feet on the wooden leader.

A second week passed, and one morning found George Dorety standing in the coach-house companionway at the for'ard end of the long poop, taking his first gaze around the deck.

Dorety was looking the other way, standing with head and shoulders outside the companionway, and only the back of his head was to be seen.

Half an hour later he was as surprised as any when the body of George Dorety was found inside the companionway on the floor.

It was at the end of the week, with the whiskey gone, and the pearl-buyers sober, that I happened to glance at the barometer that hung in the cabin companionway.

Perry had come up the companionway with his blue battle-flag.

Every moment they were crowding down the companionway with others.

and I'm real sorry to disturb you, but I thought you'd like to know that just as soon as you left her Mrs. Watson fell down the companionway stairs, and I guess she hurt herself pretty badly.'

86 examples of  companionway  in sentences