930 examples of compared to in sentences

Then he said, "Well Treasure Island is like a church social compared to what I've been through.

Nothing can be compared to the smell of this "soup."

At this port such quantities of pepper are imported, that what comes through Alexandria into our western world is not to be compared to it, being hardly an hundredth part.

This building, like most of the palaces in Europe, is built around a quadrangle, and its plan may be compared to a pupil's slate used for ciphering.

XV Her Bohemian Environments The daily and nightly doings at Ninon's house in the Rue des Tournelles, if there is anything of a similar character in modern society that can be compared to them, might be faintly represented by our Bohemian circles, where good cheer, good fellowship, and freedom from restraint are supposed to reign.

It is difficult to form an idea of the horrible noise occasioned by thousands of these birds in the dark part of the cavern, and which can only be compared to the croaking of our crows, which in the pine forests of the north live in society, and construct their nests upon trees the tops of which touch each other.

Can its specters be compared to the reality of the agonies of a whole miserable generation?

If the first day's work had been hard, it was child's play compared to the second.

The bustle in the streets is far less than what I had been led to expect from the many descriptions I had heard, and is certainly not to be compared to that at Naples or Messina.

Had she lain dead before him, dead in all her youthful beauty, he could have folded her in his arms, and then buried her from his sight, with a feeling of perfect happiness compared to that which he now felt.

But the new bridges, in contrast to the old ones, are as spider webs compared to the overarching branches of a great tree.

This seems a large undertaking and a large sum, but compared to the needs of the world, it is very small.

The case cannot be compared to anything so simple as a resurrection of one of the "Pickwick" characters; yet a very good parallel could easily be found.

you would have said the Israelites in the wilderness had a happy time of it, compared to us.

The savage luck which dogs Kirkwood and Jane, and the worse than savagethe inhumancruelty of Clem Peckover, who has been compared to the Madame Cibot of Balzac's Le Cousin Pons, render the book an intensely gloomy one; it ends on a note of poignant misery, which gives a certain colour for once to the oft-repeated charge of morbidity and pessimism.

Surely, among the professed admirers of Murray, no other man, whether innovator or copyist, unfortunate or successful, is at all to be compared to this gentleman for the audacity with which he has "not scrupled to alter, mutilate, and torture, the text of that able writer.

All such enemies, however, he regarded as utterly trivial compared to the real dangers of the wildernessthe torment and menace of attacks by the swarming insects, by mosquitoes and the even more intolerable tiny gnats, by the ticks, and by the vicious poisonous ants which occasionally cause villages and even whole districts to be deserted by human beings.

no be thinking that, after a', ought that can be asked of you in the way of sacrifice and effort is but a sma' trifle compared to what he had tae do?

As compared to many acts perpetrated from time to time in Ireland, it seems, if one examines it coolly, to fade into comparative whiteness, and may certainly be paralleled elsewhere.

As the evanescent nature of the flower which "cometh forth and is cut down" reminds us of the transitory nature of human life, so the perpetual renovation of the evergreen plant, which uninterruptedly presents the appearance of youth and vigor, is aptly compared to that spiritual life in which the soul, freed from the corruptible companionship of the body, shall enjoy an eternal spring and an immortal youth.

But if truth, pure, abstract, and free from anything of a mythical nature, is always to remain unattainable by us all, philosophers included, it might be compared to fluorine, which cannot be presented by itself alone, but only when combined with other stuffs.

Little she may be, Sir, compared to old Rome; but every inch of her is a gem,every inch!"

"Never mind," I replied; "what's a fine of five pounds compared to physical fitness?

I know none but Madame Sand who can be compared to Delsarte in variety of feeling and simplicity even unto grandeur.

"A thousand windy trumpeters would be silence itself, compared to such a pair of lungs!

930 examples of  compared to  in sentences