1440 examples of complicated in sentences

They involve the intense and complicated action of many and of complex powers.

I consider the human body a mere machine, whose parts are complicated, whose functions are various, and whose operations are liable to be impeded and frustrated by a variety of obstacles.

Hence, says Cuvier, it was necessary that the chemical composition of the animal body should be more complicated than that of the plant; and it is so, inasmuch as an additional substance, nitrogen, enters into it as an essential element; while, in plants, nitrogen is only accidentally joined with he three other fundamental constituents of organic beingscarbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.

It is now established that nitrogen is as essential a constituent of vegetable as of animal living matter; and that the latter is, chemically speaking, just as complicated as the former.

But Paramoecium is so huge a creature compared with those hitherto discussedit reaches 1/120 of an inch or more in lengththat there is no difficulty in making out its organisation in detail; and in proving that it is not only an animal, but that it is an animal which possesses a somewhat complicated organisation.

He is taught elementary mathematics, that he may understand all those relations of number and form, upon which the transactions of men, associated in complicated societies, are built, and that he may have some practice in deductive reasoning.

The household duties were scrupulously observed, each man assuming his rôle in the complicated ménage.

Battalion and brigade drill, too, were new diversions for the Caribees, as now, camped near other troops, these more complicated movements were part of the regiment's allotted duty.

It is not that good-will is wanting, but that life is more complicated.

Austria too had her own difficulties to encounter, and they were both numerous and complicated.

The complicated and unintelligible irregularities of the Anglo-Saxon tenures were exchanged for the simple and uniform feudal theory.

Of these, the possession of a dry hairy skin instead of a moist or mucus bearing, chitinous skin, the ownership of an internal bony skeleton and a large skull, and a complicated development of brain, are the diagnostic signs.

Ray's dreadful crime of a few days past had given him an added insolence and self-assurance that complicated the problem still further.

After this interruption, a profound silence occurred Mrs Wyllys studied the disturbed features of the young man, for a moment, with a countenance that denoted a singular, though a complicated, interest; and then she gravely bent her eyes on the water, deeply occupied with intense,

Wherefore not apply our knowledge painfully gleaned from lower science to the study of these more complicated phenomena?

The affair was thereby complicated, but that was all.

I had to give the magistrate a little lecture on photo-zincography, and the poor man declared the case was so complicated he must adjourn it for another week.

For a decade or more Mr. Pease, Mr. Bernard Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Webb, Mrs. Besant, Dr. Lawson Dodd, and their associates of the London Fabian Society, did pit their wits and ability, or at any rate the wits and ability of their leisure moments, against the embattled capitalists of England and the world, in this complicated and delicate enterprise, without any apparent diminution of the larger accumulations of wealth.

I consider the novel an important and necessary thing indeed in that complicated system of uneasy adjustments and readjustments which is modern civilisation I make very high and wide claims for it.

I stick to my thesis that the complicated social organisation of to-day cannot get along without the amount of mutual understanding and mutual explanation such a range of characterisation in our novels implies.

It has been a complicated business to redistribute stores at various stages of re-organisation, but not one single mistake has been made.

After these times there were likely to follow complicated episodes of dentistry at the office of Doctor Patten.

" She herself was less complicated in her measures of defense.

The devout Cinta looked upon this misfortune as a chastisement from God, always complicated and mysterious in His designs.

One said there was insufficient plot; one said the plot was too complicated; one said it was too long for a one-reel, and the next said it was too short even for a split-reel.

1440 examples of  complicated  in sentences