659 examples of complications in sentences

Aliverdi Khan had always been extremely jealous of allowing the European nations to erect any fortifications, but, during his last illness, all of them, expecting a contested succession, during which, owing to complications in Europe, they might find themselves at war with each other in India, began to repair their old walls or to erect new ones.

It did not appear to the Danish Government, nor did it appear to Her Majesty's Government, that Federal Execution could be resisted without increasing the complications of the position.

It was not to be expected that those Duchies could be retained under the nominal sovereignty of the King of Denmark without giving rise to fresh disputes and fresh complications.

But, my Lords, the whole position and influence of this country with regard to foreign countries ought to be fully considered by Parliament and by the country; for we have great interests with multiplied complications arising from various connexions and various treaties with every part of the world.

member for Wick that there is no danger, as far as human foresight can go, of Continental complications involving this country in war.

I confess that, as a citizen of this country, wishing to live peaceably among my fellow countrymen, and wishing to see my countrymen free, and able to enjoy the fruits of their labour, I protest against a system which binds us in all these net-works and complications, from which it is impossible that we can gain one single atom of advantage for this country.

We were involved in dangerous complications with several nations, and two of our Territories were in a state of revolution against the Government.

There are, however, complications. Complications(a)

It is one of the worst complications we are likely to meet with in this condition, and will be found fully described in Chapter X. (g) False Quarter.

It goes without saying that, should there arise any other of the complications we have mentioned (viz., Arthritis, Necrosis of the Extensor Pedis, Sand-crack, Quittor, and False Quarter), the fact should be pointed out to the owner, and the prognosis regulated thereby.

Either of the complications we have mentionedas, for instance, Arthritis, Sand-crack, or Quittormay persist and remain as sequels to the case.

When the happy ending of rapid resolution is denied us, then, in addition to the condition we have described as suppuration, we may meet with one or other of the following complications: (a) Metastatic Pneumonia.

The severity of the symptoms, the cause of the attack, the complications, and the idiosyncrasies of the patient, have all to be taken into account.

In our opinion, therefore, a lengthy classification serves no useful end, and we think matters will be simplified by considering quittor under two headings onlynamely, 'Simple or Cutaneous' and 'Sub-horny,' and discussing the other varieties as simply complications of either of these two.

Even with this, the most simple form of quittor, no decided opinion should be given until the progress of the case warrants one in reasonably assuming that complications are absent.

With cutaneous quittor various complications may arise, according to the extent of the invasion of the septic matter.

As these complications are equally common to sub-horny quittor, we shall reserve their description until dealing with that condition.

An animal with the wound thus open at the coronet, and freely discharging its contents, may, if no serious complications exist, walk tolerably sound.

Its tendency to keep the disease existing in a chronic form renders it of grave importance, and for that reason we give it first mention among the complications.

When free from other complications, the horse with his foot in this state may travel fairly sound.

There are, too, complications to be reckoned with, the existence or absence of which cannot always be definitely ascertained.

The end of our case is then either a gangrenous pneumonia or complications induced by a condition of widespread pyæmia.

As his daughter grew to girlhood she attracted the attention of Prince Jehanghir, who became violently in love with her, and, to prevent complications, the emperor caused her to be married to Shir Afghan Kahn, a young Persian of excellent family, who was made viceroy of Bengal, and took his wife with him to Calcutta.

At the same time it should not be forgotten, that the complications which have grown up with a nationality of centuries render the study far more difficult in this country, than it possibly can, be in the giant Republic of yesterday.

A great danger to the healthy, continuous growth of our people seems to me to lie in the lack of it, and the more our political position in the world is threatened by external complications, the greater is this danger.

659 examples of  complications  in sentences