7028 examples of compose in sentences

On the outside are statues, large as life, in modern military costume, representing the different armes which compose the French army.

Those, however, who in Roman times knew Vergil's love of symbolism, suspected that a more personal interest led him to compose this elegy.

He could not, of course, compose himself sufficiently to continue his work on the portrait of Lafayette, and, having apprised the General of the reason for this, he received from the following sympathetic letter: I have feared to intrude upon you, my dear sir, but want to tell you how deeply I sympathize in your griefa grief of which nobody can better than me appreciate the cruel feelings.

"Compose yourself, my good girl," said the painter kindly.

What right has an old woman, with silver spectacles on her long, thin nose, to enlist any man among the awkward squad which compose her muster roll?

But that the great body of the slaves, those that compose the field gangs, whose labor and exposure, and consequent exhaustion, are vastly greater than those of house slaves, toiling as they do from day light till dark, in the fogs of the early morning, under the scorchings of mid-day, and amid the damps of evening, are in general provided with no meat, is abundantly established by the preceding testimony.

This, clearly, is an attempt to make the sins mentioned equal in number to the gods of the Hall of Ma[=a]t, and it would seem as if they preferred to compose an entirely new form of this section of the one hundred and twenty-fifth chapter to making any attempt to add to or alter the older section.

" "Compose yourself, Leonora," said the Queen-mother affectionately; "your feeble frame is unequal to these bursts of passion.

For, not to compile an English grammar from others already extant, but to compose one more directly from the sources of the art, was the task which he at first proposed to himself.

But it is due to truth, to correct erroneous impressions; and, in order to obtain from some an impartial examination of the following pages, it seemed necessary first to convince them, that it is possible to compose a better grammar than Murray's, without being particularly indebted to him.

[FORMULENot proper, because the compound word "rereward" has not here the orthography of the two simple words rear and ward, which compose it.

But, according to Rule 14th, "Compounds generally retain the orthography of the simple words which compose them."

7.Nouns of multitude, when they convey the idea of unity or take the plural form, are of the neuter gender; but when they convey the idea of plurality without the form, they follow the gender of the individuals which compose the assemblage.

or what propriety could there be in making the words, of, and to, and from, govern or compose three different cases?

These Slavs are the Bulgarians in the east and centre, the Serbs and Croats (or Serbians and Croatians or Serbo-Croats) in the west, and the Slovenes in the extreme north-west, between Trieste and the Save; these nationalities compose the southern branch of the Slavonic race.

" This ludicrous story produced such an effect, that it became a fashionable amusement to compose blank sonnets, and in 1648, a quarto volume of bouts rimés was published.

But the style most difficult to be comprehended by foreigners, is that of the newspapers; for the dread of offending government so entirely possesses the imagination of those who compose such publications, that it is not often easy to distinguish a victory from a defeat, by the language in which it is conveyed.

The clubs often assemble only to read the newspapers; but where they are sufficiently in force, they make motions for "fetes," censure the municipalities, and endeavour to influence the elections of the members who compose them.

Most of the simple verses which compose this volume were written for a very dear child, with no thought beyond her gratification.

By the flowers which he sets forth to seek, we are to understand the songs which he desires to compose.

Then he said, "Can you remember how many states compose the United States?" "Thirty-three, I believe," said I. "There were thirty-three, I suppose, in eighteen fifty-nine," said he; "but now there are not so many.

" "Pray compose yourself, sir," returned the bland Chiffield.

Anyone who is teased by the notion that it would be pleasant to be remembered, in the sense of being read, after death, cannot do better to secure that end than compose an Itinerary and leave it behind him in manuscript, with his name legibly inscribed thereon.

The added depth and feeling for space shows how Giorgione had learnt to compose in three dimensions, the technical advance over the "Adrastus and Hypsipyle" indicating a period subsequent to that picture, though probably anterior to the Castelfranco altar-piece.

The ripe fruit, on taking out one of the twelve woody cells which compose it, will explode with a noise like a pistol, each cell giving a double report.

7028 examples of  compose  in sentences