8 examples of compositum in sentences

For you hear HORACE saying "Indignor quidquam reprehendi, non quia crasse Compositum, ille pide've putetur, sed quia nuper.

The part affected of superstition, is the brain, heart, will, understanding, soul itself, and all the faculties of it, totum compositum, all is mad and dotes: now for the extent, as I say, the world itself is the subject of it, (to omit that grand sin of atheism,) all times have been misaffected, past, present, "there is not one that doth good, no not one, from the prophet to the priest," &

Indignor quicquam reprehendi, non quia crasse Compositum, illepideve putetur, sed quia nuper.

'Dum foris sunt, nihil videtur Mundius, Nec magis compositum quidquam, nec magis elegans: Quæ, cum amatore suo cum coenant, Liguriunt, Harum videre ingluviem, sordes, inopiam: Quam inhonestæ solæ sint domi, atque avidæ cibi, Quo pacto ex Jure Hesterno panem atrum varent.

"In Adolphe," he says, "and in all the literature associated with that book, we are informed accurately how many parts, how many grains, of friendship, devotion, vanity, ambition, admiration, respect, sensual attraction, illusion, fancy, deception, hate, satiety, enthusiasm, reasoning calculation, etc., are contained in the mixtum compositum which the enamoured persons call love.

Indignor quicquam reprehendi, non quia crasse Compositum, illepideve putetur, sed quia nuper.

'Dum foris sunt, nihil videtur Mundius, Nec magis compositum quidquam, nec magis elegans: Quæ, cum amatore suo cum coenant, Liguriunt, Harum videre ingluviem, sordes, inopiam: Quam inhonestæ solæ sint domi, atque avidæ cibi, Quo pacto ex Jure Hesterno panem atrum varent.

TRITICUM compositum.

8 examples of  compositum  in sentences